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Measurement Matters - Aliases

jra Oct 21, 2014 07:21 PM

Q: When do you use the Alias declaration?

A: Variables are declared using either the Public or Dim declaration. Additionally, a variable can be assigned a second name, or Alias. Aliasing is particularly useful when using arrays. Arrays are powerful tools for complex programming, but they place near identical names on multiple variables. Aliasing allows the power of the array to be used with the clarity of unique names.

Tip: The original name can be used interchangeably with the Alias name as a Public or Dim variable in the body of the program. The Alias is also used as the root name for DataTable field names. https://www.campbellsci.com/forum/messages.cfm?threadid=4DCAEC38-081D-4ED5-999F65125E91C0DC

Learn more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYKt70SgnTw&index=4&list=PLR_Ted9kITyIPGJ0VQiUM9OqIRTt2B_wR

Next time: TimeIntoInterval()

* Last updated by: Janet on 10/21/2014 @ 1:50 PM *

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