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Minute Data

utemorley2012 Sep 29, 2014 07:00 PM

Hello All.

I have a Campbell CR850 Logger and I am attempting to get a file with minute data. I have my table set to 1 minute intervals. My data collection time is set to one hour because I also need 1 hour data. Whenever the minute table downloaded and sent to a file only one record (one minute) is sent and not 60 as I would want. How can I go about getting all 60 minute records from the hour.

GaryTRoberts Sep 29, 2014 07:39 PM

Could you send me a copy of your CRBasic code? Please send it to gtroberts -AT- campbellsci.com. There are multiple reasons this could happen. Having a look at your code will help us pin it down.

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