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CR1000 & Modbus ASCII or RTU

damiendubois Sep 29, 2014 08:00 AM


I'm trying to read data from my sensor with CR1000.
Information from the sensor enterprise are :

- Sensor is a slave device, datalogger will be the master

- Communication (COM PORT) : RS485
- Protocole : MODBUS ASCII (or RTU, i have the external convertor)
- Speed : 19200 baud
- Data bits : 8
- Stop bits : 2
- Parity bit : none

- Modbus functions : 03 "read holding registers" & 16 "preset multiple registers"

- Address of "read only" data.

I need to read only one or two data from this list (connect only one or two address).

There is some topics about "Modbus", "RS485",... but i didn't find a solution.

Can you help me? Thanks for your support,


Curt_Ingram Sep 29, 2014 05:08 PM

Look at the "modbusmaster" command in CrBasic.

JDavis Sep 29, 2014 05:23 PM

The ModbusMaster instruction is even supported with the ShortCut program generator. You will find ModbusMaster listed in the 'Control' group.

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