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TableFile and FTPClient

geometrikal Sep 2, 2009 03:57 AM

Hi all,

I have just implemented ftp sending of data and have some questions about controlling the storage of data. I don't want to fill up the memory with data that has already been sent.

Is the file that is created with TableFile deleted after sending successfully with FTPClient or must it be done manually?

I'm guessing manually, however how is this done? And if it is done, will the TableFile name still increment?

Also is there a way to only save to a file and not to the other memory?


IslandMan Sep 2, 2009 11:03 AM

Hi Ross,
I was doing something similar with FTP.
You can limit the records written to the USR area to 1 so it's always overwritten or you can let a few accumulate if you have FTP fails then use FileManage to delete files once your FTP transmission is successful.

Dana Sep 2, 2009 09:52 PM

Hello Ross,

One of the parameters in TableFile is MaxFiles, which is the maximum number of files to keep. If it is set to -1, then the number of tables is set to the maximum the storage area will hold. Or, as IslandMan points out, you can set this to some fixed value. The storage for these files is set up kind of like ring memory -- once the maximum number of files is reached, the oldest file is deleted and a new file is written (with ever-incrementing file numbers). If you set a fixed maximum that is too large for the storage area, the datalogger will use what it calculates as a maximum.



geometrikal Sep 2, 2009 11:50 PM

Thanks for the replies.

I see now the ring memory system is the best way - always enough space whilst still retaining as many records as possible in case of ftp failure.

I have got the ftp system going over telstra nextg wireless and it is working smoothly.

Just a note for anyone who is looking in the forums for how to set up the modem:

The logger must be set up using the Device Configuration Utility:
- in the TCP/IP tab set PPP port used to RS232
- also set modem dial string to ATDT*99***1#

The modem must be configured with the telstra details and set up for the connection. Connect to modem with terminal emulator and send the following commands:
AT+IFC=0,0 (turn off flow control)
ATS0=2 (auto answer)
AT$$EXT_LED=5 (turn off leds to sve power)
AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","telstra.internet" (telstra prepaid wireless connection point)
AT&W1 (save to profile 1)
AT&F1 (revert to profile 1)

* Last updated by: geometrikal on 9/2/2009 @ 5:50 PM *

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