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Measurement Matters - Training Courses

jra Aug 27, 2014 09:49 PM

Q: I’m interested learning more about my datalogger. What training course should I take?

A: Campbell Scientific Inc. regularly offers three training courses in Logan, Utah.
* CR1000/LoggerNet – introductory course for students from all disciplines.
* Structural and Geotechnical Instrumentation (SGI)
* Open-Path Eddy Covariance (OPEC)
All three courses are hands-on with an emphasis on programming. They use the CR1000 datalogger and LoggerNet software but are applicable to other CRBasic dataloggers such as the CR3000, CR800 series, or one of the CR200X series. Additionally the SGI course is relevant to the CR9000X and CR5000.

Learn more: Click the course name on the calendar at https://www.campbellsci.com/training for specific course outlines.

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