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Checking if datalogger is communicating over PakBus

MatthewBoyd Aug 22, 2014 09:58 PM

What's the best way to 'ping' a datalogger over the PakBus port using another datalogger on the same network? We have a datalogger that periodically stops communicating via ModbusTCP and PakBus, but still responds to pings, and I need to determine when this occurs. The dataloggers (CR1000 with NL115 modules) and Loggernet server are all connected to the same network via Ethernet.

Would the Route function achieve this? How about periodically trying to open a TCP socket using TCPOpen? The help for TCPOpen, however, states that "...intermittent communication can be caused if ... two PakBus devices both have a TCPOpen back to the other device." So it may be a problem if the Loggernet server and a datalogger both have a PakBus connection open to this other datalogger.


GaryTRoberts Aug 23, 2014 05:49 AM

You can use PingIP as well as GetVariables. PingIP will ping the TCP/IP address that other logger has. It works like ping on your personal computer.

GetVariables can be used if the two are connected via the TCP Client connection settings or using TCPOpen in your CRBasic program.

The problem listed above only happens if two dataloggers are connected together or if LoggerNet ports are bridged.

There are multiple ways to do what you are proposing. We just need to find one that fits your needs.

I know that is a quick explanation. Shoot me an email at gtroberts -at- campbellsci.com and we can walk through it together.

* Last updated by: GaryTRoberts on 8/22/2014 @ 11:52 PM *

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