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CR1000 table definitions

wlcable Aug 31, 2009 06:14 PM

Hi Everyone,

I have a CR1000 that I connect to through a marginal connection via a Freewave radio. I am having a hard time getting the table definitions to update as I can't seem to maintain a good link long enough for the file to be retrieved. There are also CR10X-PB's on the network and they don't seem to have a problem getting the table definitions.

My question is: Is there a way to copy the table definitions from my field laptop to the remote computer and avoid having to download them via the radio link?


Dana Aug 31, 2009 10:57 PM

Hello Bill,

Try reducing packet size for both LoggerNet (in the Setup window), and for the datalogger. You may have better success with smaller "chunks" coming back from the datalogger (LoggerNet's settings control outgoing to the datalogger, and the datalogger's setting controls what is sent back in). You'll also want to make sure clock checks are temporarily turned off in the Connect window and data displays are closed or paused.

LoggerNet 4, which was released last week, has an option to associate a TDF file (much like associating an FSL file with older array-based dataloggers). When a TDF is associated and LoggerNet contacts a station, it requests the datalogger's TDFS file (table defs summary) rather than the full table defs. If all tables match, then no further table information is retrieved. If only one table is off, only that table will be retrieved.

This was implemented specifically to deal with poor communication links.



antarcticstreams Dec 1, 2012 11:51 PM


I have a similar issue. My telemetered site is expensive to visit, and my CR1000 table definitions have changed (from a field visit by another party), but I can get my hands on the TDF file.

I am currently set up to "Stop collection until manually updated" to preserve the data on the logger. I don't want to change that and lose the data that has accrued since the previous site visit (two weeks of data). I know Merge won't work because the table def's have changed. By what method would I advise LoggerNet of the new table definitions without it wiping the logger data? I've perused Help but could not figure out the method.



Sam Dec 2, 2012 11:56 PM

Associating the new TDF with your station will not delete the data on the datalogger. It may reset the cache in LoggerNet and trigger it to backup/abandon the .dat files it is managing, but it will not affect the datalogger. Putting a new program on the datalogger will cause the logger to abandon it's current datatable structure.

antarcticstreams Dec 3, 2012 02:05 AM

Thanks Sam,

I didn't know that, great answer, I'll give it a go next download cycle.

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