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SDMCD16AC control eight solenoid valves

lssllyin Aug 15, 2014 03:31 AM

Hi all,

I am trying to control a manifold with eight solenoid valves. I want to open all the valves at the very beginning and close each of them in sequence. For example, if I close port 1, other 7 still remain open. And close port 2, and other 7 keep opened. Actually, I already get the program works. But there is a problem about the timing control. From 1 to 8 ports, it works perfect as my expectation. But when it switch from port 8 back to port 1, in port 1, it takes longer before it switch to port 2. For example, in port 1 it takes around 2 seconds, but in others it only last for 1 seconds. Any suggestions would be appreciate! Thanks!

Here is the program:

Public ValveSet(8,2) As Long
Public count


ValveSet(1) = 2^0
ValveSet(2) = 2^1
ValveSet(3) = 2^2
ValveSet(4) = 2^3
ValveSet(5) = 2^4
ValveSet(6) = 2^5
ValveSet(7) = 2^6
ValveSet(8) = 2^7
Scan (1,Sec,2,0)'I test it in 1 seconds
If count>8
count=0'reset the count to start at 1 again
SDMCD16AC (ValveSet,1,1)'open all valves
ValveSet(count)=2^(count-1)'set the valve address
count = count + 1
ValveSet(count)=0'close the valve in sequence


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