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Rain bucket (pulse) on a CR1000

KSS1991 Aug 1, 2014 06:46 PM

Hello all,

I am trying to garner some information for a research project that I am assisting with (one of my boss' projects). I need to find a way to program a rain gauge tipping bucket that uses the pulsing signal channels on a datalogger and try to get the tipping bucket to work on/with a CR1000 datalogger's eddy covariance programing (sampling rate of 0.1s or 10hz). My boss said that it isn't working correctly, and has tried to use different tables on the data logger (but, alas, still running into trouble). Is there common work-arounds for using a tipping rain gauge bucket with EC data collection in the CRBasic program? (EC data collect refers to - - Sonic Anemometer, Open Path sensor for CO2/H2O, and other instruments for working with Eddy Covariance).

I'll likely search the forums here in abit to see if others had similar problems and their fixes, but any helpful suggestions here-after would be greatly appreciated!

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