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SDM Not Working

MatthewBoyd Jul 24, 2014 11:09 PM

I have multiple CR1000's and I cannot get an SDM-SIO1 to work on one of them. The same SDM-SIO1 (8n1, no handshaking) and the same very simple RS-232 program run fine on one CR1000 but not the other. The only thing that is different is the CR1000. I believe I have both CR1000's configured the same in DevConfig, and I have tightened the screws on the CR1000 down hard and have checked continuity and voltage.

Is there some kind of diagnostic I can do? I am listening in via the Serial Comms Sniffer in the Terminal Emulator, and it does say it is outputting right, but I'm not seeing anything using my laptops serial port and a serial capture program. I am seeing activity on C1, C2, and C3 relative to G using a scope, but nothing on the SDM-SIO1 TX relative to G.

Any suggestions? Thanks.


'Declare Constants
Const MainScanPeriod_s = 5
Const DataTableLapses = 10
Const PwrStripPort = 34 'SDM Address 2 = Port 34
Const PwrStripBaud = 9600
Const PwrStripFormat = 0
Const PwrStripDelay = 50
Const PwrStripBuff = 64
Const PwrStripTimeOut = 30

'Declare Variables
Public PwrStripCmd As String * 64
Public PwrStripStatus As String * 64
Public PwrStripStates(8) As Float
Public PwrStripState As Long

'Define Data Tables

'Main Program
'Open power strip serial port
SerialOut(PwrStripPort,"$A3 4 0"+CHR(13)+CHR(10),"",0,5)
SerialOut(PwrStripPort,"$A3 5 0"+CHR(13)+CHR(10),"",0,5)
SerialOut(PwrStripPort,"$A3 6 0"+CHR(13)+CHR(10),"",0,5)
SerialOut(PwrStripPort,"$A3 7 0"+CHR(13)+CHR(10),"",0,5)
SerialOut(PwrStripPort,"$A3 8 0"+CHR(13)+CHR(10),"",0,5)

'Start main scan
Scan(MainScanPeriod_s,sec,5,0) 'zero buffer helps avoid skipped slow seq. scans
SerialIn(PwrStripCmd,PwrStripPort,PwrStripTimeOut,13,PwrStripBuff) 'echo of command
'If the return string starts with "$A0," and ends with ",XX " then it is valid




aps Jul 25, 2014 08:08 AM

A few suggestions:

1) on the SDM-SIO1 make sure that you have stripped the wires long enough (7-9 mm) otherwise you may not be making contact properly in its connectors.

2)check the address switch - just in case switch it back and forwards a few times to check the position is set.

3) Referring to the latest manual, to be found here: http://s.campbellsci.com/documents/eu/manuals/sdm-sio1.pdf, section 5.3, run the program shown which will check communication with the SDM-SIO1 and allow you to check the firmware version. (You can get the latest firmware from the website too, but we never have had an issue where it would not send simple strings out of the serial port.)

MatthewBoyd Jul 25, 2014 05:22 PM

1) Continuity is good between the C1, C2, and C3 connections and 13.0 V is read at the SDM-SIO1 connections.

2) Address switch was checked and toggled as described.

3) I ran the program and the Ver_Value and Sig_Value remain blank. Absolutely nothing else is connected to the datalogger except an NL115, power, and a ground wire.

I connected the SDM-SIO1 to another identical CR1000 the exact same way without touching the connections on the SDM-SIO1, and the program from the manual gave me the following values:

Ver_Value = SDM-SIO1v6.0
Sig_Value = 5EDF
Sig_Value_Dec = 24287

aps Jul 28, 2014 01:39 PM

Sounds like either a hardware fault with the logger module or its wiring panel. If possible swap the modules between the wiring panels to see which item is at fault. Also make sure the module is mating correctly with the connectors of the wiring panel.

MatthewBoyd Jul 28, 2014 02:02 PM

I do not think I understand. Are you suggesting to remove the green terminal blocks from the wiring panel (face) of the CR1000 and swap them around? If so, do these terminal blocks just pop off or do I have to remove and disassemble the wiring panel?

aps Jul 28, 2014 02:26 PM

The logger module is the stainless steel canister. It can be removed from the wiring panel relatively easily (wiring allowing) following the procedure shown in Section 9 (Maintenance) of the manual, see here: http://s.campbellsci.com/documents/us/manuals/cr1000.pdf. I am suggesting you swap the silver module between the wiring panels (the black metal frames with the green terminals).

MatthewBoyd Jul 29, 2014 04:38 PM

I used a different wiring panel and it works, so it appears to be something wrong with the original wiring panel. The original wiring panel was mated correctly, though, so it appears to be something internal. Can you please direct me on how to request an RMA to get this fixed? Should I just go through the normal channels and reference this forum post? Thanks for your help.

aps Jul 30, 2014 07:47 AM

You would need to call into your local office, which I guess is Logan UT to get the RMA. You can reference this forum too.

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