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ok to use CR3000 documentation for CR1000?

kirving Aug 26, 2009 07:53 PM

I'm interested in using the SlowSequence feature, but find not a lot of detail and no examples in the CR1000 manual (pdf). I don't usually run Windows, so don't have the CRBasic help easily available. Someone pointed out that the CR3000 manual covered the topic in more detail. Are there "gotcha's" or other concerns about using the CR3000 docs to relate to the CR1000? Thanks -- Ken

jra Aug 27, 2009 12:51 PM

Hi Ken,

For general things it should be okay to use either manual. For specifics use the correct manual.

What version of the CR1000 manual do you have? The latest version is dated 1/09. You can get a copy here:

Post again if you need additional information.

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