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Forum Suggestion

LDS Aug 21, 2009 06:32 PM

Would it be possible to add Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feed service to the forum? As it stands, I only read new threads when I happen to be on the site troubleshooting problems for myself. If RSS was available, it would increase the chance that a user with useful information could respond in a timely manner.


* Last updated by: LDS on 8/21/2009 @ 12:36 PM *

wpns Aug 21, 2009 07:41 PM

You can subscribe to all postings in the forum by using the button at the top of the home page of the forums (once you are logged in).

jra Aug 21, 2009 08:57 PM

What browser are you using? I'm using Firefox and have subscribed to the RSS feed. It wasn't working earlier in the week but it is now.

All I had to do was click on the RSS icon in the address bar then click OK in the following dialog box.


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