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TRT100 with PCTDR Error message Invalid floating point operation

Axel Jun 3, 2014 02:58 PM

Dear all,
I am connecting a TDR100 device to a personal Computer via the RS-232 connector using an USB-serial converter. At the beginning this worked very good, but since a few days I always get the error message "Invalid floating point operation" when trying to get the waveform
Does anybody have an idea what might be wrong?
Looking forward for your help...

Dana Jun 3, 2014 03:17 PM

Is the USB to serial cable plugged in? Has the COM port number of the cable changed?

If the latter is the case, you can open the TDR100.ini file and change the CommPtEx= value to 1 (for COM1) or some other value that is a valid COM port number. Or... you can also just delete this file, though some other settings will be reset to the defaults as they are also stored in the INI file.

Dana W.

Axel Jun 4, 2014 01:56 PM

Thanks for your fast answer!
I have allready deleted the TDR100.ini file but it has not changed anything. Still the same error message. COM port is plugged in, the number is set correctly...
Entering the Terminal Emulator the TDR100 responds quite well, althogh the values displayed(command NGWA) seam quite strange (they are all 0).

Below the results for the command HT. Maybe it helps searching the error...

Any key (except Q) to start Hardware Test
Any key (except Q) to start Hardware Test

Rom Signature = dd07

Test ramps/constant voltage on D/A's alternately
enter s for fast/slow loop (starts slow)
enter x to move into main program

TEST: D/A's/Counters 1&2 Ramping - slow
Constant Value [1]

TEST: D/A's/Counters 1&2 at Constant Value
TEST: D/A's/Counters 1&2 Ramping - fast
Constant Value [0] S
TEST: D/A's/Counters 1&2 at Constant Value

Performing Calibration
(0> 62696)
(1> 62684)
(2> 62632)
(3> 62636)
(4> 62592)
(5> 62592)
(6> 62528)
(7> 62528)
(8> 62484)
(9> 62464)
(10> 62432)
(11> 62404)
(12> 62400)
(13> 62348)
(14> 62356)
(15> 62332)
(16> 62300)
(17> 62280)
(18> 62244)
(19> 62256)
Pulse Top Not Found
sample3=62036, sample2=62104, sample=62124
baseline=63360, base2=63360, Ramp=328
Calibration Failure, Cal. voltage = 2.5v
acquisition window delay [nS]: [ 125.00]>
pulse generator delay [nS]: [ 102.00]>
calibration DAC voltage [-3V to +3V]: [2.50]>
N0 Delay (x100 nS) [280 Max=65536]: [ 280]>
return param: 125.00 102.00 2.50 280
window cntr interp: 1 16384
pulse cntr interp: 1 1310
cal value: 6830
N0 delay: 28 uSec

Notso Jun 4, 2014 05:00 PM


I have consulted with one of our repair technicians and we think that since you can send commands to the TDR100 in the terminal emulator and get a response this is not a communication issue. We have not see the "Invalid floating point operation" error before but think this is related to a component failure on your TDR100 which is leading to a division by zero in the operating system. I recommend that you arrange to send your TDR100 in for evaluation and repair.

Jason Ritter
Campbell Scientific, Logan UT
Soils Market Manager

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