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COM110 ip config

fi May 20, 2014 11:20 AM


I meet some dificulties to configure a com110 modem.
Here are the commands/responses line on hyperterminal:

Q:0 V:1 S0:000 S2:043 S3:013 S4:010 S5:008
+CR:0 +CRC:1 +CMEE:1 +CBST:0,0,1
+SPEAKER:1 +ECHO:0 &C:1 &D:2 %C:0
+IPR:115200 +ICF:3,4 +IFC:0,0




I tried to do it with a standard modem Sierra wireless
(FXT009)and it works well:

Q:0 V:1 S0:000 S2:043 S3:013 S4:010 S5:008
+CR:0 +CRC:1 +CMEE:1 +CBST:0,0,1
+SPEAKER:1 +ECHO:0 &C:1 &D:2 %C:0
+IPR:115200 +ICF:3,4 +IFC:2,2




ect... and i managed to send file to a ftp server.

Is there a parameter to change for the com110 modem?
Or maybe the ip config commands are differents?



aps May 20, 2014 11:31 AM

The COM110 has its own set of instructions for controlling the IP stack as it runs an additional layer of software on top of the Wavecom IP code, to ensure better reliability.

If using one of our more advanced, new loggers you would normally use the IP stack in the logger itself which allows sending of files under program control.

We support the configuration of those settings using our Mobile Data Assistant package, which can be found here:


The options you would select with that software are discussed in our COM110 manual.

aps May 20, 2014 11:31 AM

The COM110 has its own set of instructions for controlling the IP stack as it runs an additional layer of software on top of the Wavecom IP code, to ensure better reliability.

If using one of our more advanced, new loggers you would normally use the IP stack in the logger itself which allows sending of files under program control.

We support the configuration of those settings using our Mobile Data Assistant package, which can be found here:


The options you would select with that software are discussed in our COM110 manual.

fi May 20, 2014 01:43 PM

i've already tried to use mda and the FTPclient function on CrBasic.
But it seems adapt to send file to a remote computer? Or i missed something.

I don't need an acces to the logger trough loggernet, i just want to send data to a ftp server on the web.

If it is not possible to use standard AT commands as:

'send file name

'send data

what is the way to do it ?

aps May 20, 2014 02:16 PM

You could try to send out data using the built in IP stack but it is not something we are going to support and I suspect will not be very reliable.

The supported way is to use the logger's own IP stack and to use the ftpclient instruction. This has been used by many users to send files to remote ftp servers. There is the occasional issue with some types of ftp server. Your local office can give advice on the many different options we support to work around those issues.

The ftp functions in the modem themselves will have similar issues with the many different types of ftp servers and different versions of ftp.

fi May 21, 2014 12:56 PM

I tried to adapt a program available on the forum, the FTPClient function send the files to the ftp server but they are all empty.
(i checked on the compactflash and there is data in the files.)
did i miss something?
here is the program compiled:


Const FTPServerAddress = "ftppublic.grenoble.cemagref.fr"
Const FTPUserID = "user"
Const FTPPassword = "pw"

Public FTPSuccess As Boolean = False, LastFileName As String * 32, PTemp, Batt
Dim SendFTP As Boolean = False, OutStat As Boolean = False, DestinationFilename As String * 32

DataTable (FTP,1,-1)
TableFile("CRD:FTP",12,5,5,0,Min,OutStat,LastFileName) 'keep most recent 5 files, store 10 records per file


Scan (15,Sec,0,0)
If OutStat Then SendFTP = True

If SendFTP Then
DestinationFilename = Right(LastFileName,Len(LastFileName)-4)
FTPSuccess = FTPClient(FTPServerAddress, FTPUserID, FTPPassword, LastFileName, DestinationFilename, 0)
SendFTP = False


Thank you for your help

fi May 21, 2014 01:26 PM

I just found the problem, i changed the ftpclient put option from 0 to 2 and it works

FTPSuccess = FTPClient(FTPServerAddress, FTPUserID, FTPPassword, LastFileName, DestinationFilename, 2)


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