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Tâche Task Master et Loggernet Admin en tant que Service

AMuchembled May 12, 2014 12:19 PM


Je souhaite à l’aide de Task Master créer une tache associée à une centrale. Cette tache doit exécuter un programme (.exe ou .bat) suivant un événement bien définit.

La tâche qui est créée (Ouverture de NotePAd par exemple) fonctionne très bien tant que LoggerNet n’est pas en « Service » (LoggerNet Service Manager).

J’ai effectué la procédure (2.4.1 Issues with Running LoggerNet as a Service) du manuel pour éliminer les problèmes de droit d’accès et désactivé le pare-feu Windows mais rien ne change.

Auriez-vous une solution à ce problème ou un exemple de tâche qui fonctionnerait quand LoggerNet est en tant que Service » ?

D'avance merci.

AMuchembled May 12, 2014 01:18 PM

Previous message translated into English!

I want to create a task with Task Master who run a program (. Bat)to send E-mail when an event occurs.

The task created works fine as LoggerNet is not "Service".

I performed the procedure (2.4.1 Issues with Running LoggerNet as a Service) of Manual to eliminate the problems of access and disabled the Windows Firewall but nothing changes.

Would you have a solution to this problem or an example of task work when LoggerNet is as a Service "?

In advance thank you.

jtrauntvein May 12, 2014 03:10 PM

Programs run as services under windows are placed in a separate session that is not allowed by the operating system to interact with the desk top. If the program that you are using the send the mail is written to require desk top interaction, this program will fail when you attempt to run it under the LoggerNet service. You need to find a program, such as blat or Curl, that can perform this service without desktop interaction.

AMuchembled May 12, 2014 03:25 PM

We use the command "Blat" not to interact with the desktop, but it does not work.

jtrauntvein May 13, 2014 03:39 PM

The other difference between the service versus LoggerNet run on the desk top is the permissions and drive mappings. By default, LoggerNet run as a service will run in a local machine account created specifically for LoggerNet and it will not have the same permissions nor the same drive mappings as it would see if run on the desk top. I expect that this might be at least a part of your problem.

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