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problem with ir120 in cr10x

carlos310777 Apr 9, 2014 02:50 PM

Hi all. I am trying to connect ir120 campbell sensor on cr10x logger that i had installed in cr1000 before. I used a edlog example program in of the manual see down. The temperature data are negative with valor (-230) in celcius degree. Is there not "shortcut" program?
I put the cables in cr10x
Brown se3 or 2h
Green se1 or 1h
White se2 or 1l
Red ext1
Black AG
Clear G

*Table 1 Program
01: 1 Execution Interval (seconds)
1: Z=F x 10^n (P30)
1: 2.25298 F
2: -5 n, Exponent of 10
3: 4 Z Loc [ Coeff_X ]
2: Z=F x 10^n (P30)
1: 3.55921 F
2: -1 n, Exponent of 10
3: 5 Z Loc [ Coeff_Y ]
3: Z=F x 10^n (P30)
1: -5.1484 F
2: -1 n, Exponent of 10
3: 6 Z Loc [ Coeff_Z ]
4: Z=F x 10^n (P30)
1: 0.94 F
2: 00 n, Exponent of 10
3: 18 Z Loc [ Emissiv ]
; Measure the IR100 Body Temperature
; Measure the thermistor using half bridge by applying negative excitation voltage of -2.5V
5: Excite-Delay (SE) (P4)
1: 1 Reps
2: 5 2500 mV Slow Range
3: 3 SE Channel
4: 1 Excite all reps w/Exchan 1
5: 2 Delay (0.01 sec units)
6: -2500 mV Excitation
7: 7 Loc [ BR_Res___ ]
8: -.004 Multiplier
9: 0.0 Offset
; Multiply the ratio of measured voltage by constant appropriate to thermistor
6: BR Transform Rf[X/(1-X)] (P59)
1: 1 Reps
2: 7 Loc [ BR_Res___ ]
3: 77020 Multiplier (Rf)
;Use Steinhart-Hart, apply calibration coeff to get body temperature in deg C
; Calibration Data for the IR120
; NOTE : These values should match those listed on the IR100 Calibration
7: Steinhart-Hart Equation (P200)
1: 1 Reps
2: 7 Source Loc (R)(Ohms) [ BR_Res___ ]
3: 8 Destination Loc (Deg C) [ IR_Can___ ]
4: 9.1696 A
5: -4 x 10^n
6: 2.20985 B
7: -4 x 10^n
8: 1.34447 C
9: -7 x 10^n
; Measure the IR100 Infrared Temperature
; Measure the infrared temperature using a full bridge Ex-Delay-Diff Volt instruction
; Delay of 80ms for settling time

8: Ex-Del-Diff (P8)
1: 1 Reps
2: 5 2500 mV Slow Range
3: 1 DIFF Channel
4: 1 Excite all reps w/Exchan 1
5: 8 Delay (0.01 sec units)
6: 2500 mV Excitation
7: 12 Loc [ IRs_V____ ]
8: 1.0 Multiplier
9: 0.0 Offset
; Apply Temperature Compensation

9: Z=X+F (P34)
1: 8 X Loc [ IR_Can___ ]
2: -25 F
3: 10 Z Loc [ IR_Can_Tp ]
10: Z=F x 10^n (P30)
1: 1.004 F
2: 00 n, Exponent of 10
3: 11 Z Loc [ IRs_V_TC_ ]
11: Z=X^Y (P47)
1: 11 X Loc [ IRs_V_TC_ ]
2: 10 Y Loc [ IR_Can_Tp ]
3: 11 Z Loc [ IRs_V_TC_ ]
12: Z=X*Y (P36)
1: 12 X Loc [ IRs_V____ ]
2: 11 Y Loc [ IRs_V_TC_ ]
3: 11 Z Loc [ IRs_V_TC_ ]
; Apply Coefficients
13: Z=X*Y (P36)
1: 11 X Loc [ IRs_V_TC_ ]
2: 11 Y Loc [ IRs_V_TC_ ]
3: 13 Z Loc [ IRs_E____ ]
14: Z=X*Y (P36)
1: 4 X Loc [ Coeff_X ]
2: 13 Y Loc [ IRs_E____ ]
3: 13 Z Loc [ IRs_E____ ]
15: Z=X*Y (P36)
1: 5 X Loc [ Coeff_Y ]
2: 11 Y Loc [ IRs_V_TC_ ]
3: 14 Z Loc [ IRs_Temp_ ]
16: Z=X+Y (P33)
1: 14 X Loc [ IRs_Temp_ ]
2: 6 Y Loc [ Coeff_Z ]
3: 14 Z Loc [ IRs_Temp_ ]
17: Z=X+Y (P33)
1: 13 X Loc [ IRs_E____ ]
2: 14 Y Loc [ IRs_Temp_ ]
3: 13 Z Loc [ IRs_E____ ]
; Add difference to absolute energy from sensor body
18: Z=X+F (P34)
1: 8 X Loc [ IR_Can___ ]
2: 273.15 F
3: 14 Z Loc [ IRs_Temp_ ]
19: Z=F x 10^n (P30)
1: 4 F
2: 00 n, Exponent of 10
3: 15 Z Loc [ IR_Exp___ ]
20: Z=X^Y (P47)
1: 14 X Loc [ IRs_Temp_ ]
2: 15 Y Loc [ IR_Exp___ ]
3: 14 Z Loc [ IRs_Temp_ ]
21: Z=F x 10^n (P30)
1: 5.67 F
2: -8 n, Exponent of 10
3: 15 Z Loc [ IR_Exp___ ]
22: Z=X/Y (P38)
1: 13 X Loc [ IRs_E____ ]
2: 15 Y Loc [ IR_Exp___ ]
3: 13 Z Loc [ IRs_E____ ]
23: Z=X+Y (P33)
1: 13 X Loc [ IRs_E____ ]
2: 14 Y Loc [ IRs_Temp_ ]
3: 16 Z Loc [ IRs_T4___ ]
; Resolve for remote surface temp in Kelvin
24: Z=F x 10^n (P30)
1: 0.25 F
2: 00 n, Exponent of 10
3: 15 Z Loc [ IR_Exp___ ]
25: Z=X^Y (P47)
1: 16 X Loc [ IRs_T4___ ]
2: 15 Y Loc [ IR_Exp___ ]
3: 17 Z Loc [ IRs_T ]
26: Z=X+F (P34)
1: 17 X Loc [ IRs_T ]
2: -273.15 F
3: 17 Z Loc [ IRs_T ]
; Correction for Emissivity and convert to deg C
27: Z=F x 10^n (P30)
1: 4 F
2: 00 n, Exponent of 10
3: 15 Z Loc [ IR_Exp___ ]
28: Z=X+F (P34)
1: 8 X Loc [ IR_Can___ ]
2: 273.15 F
3: 14 Z Loc [ IRs_Temp_ ]
29: Z=X^Y (P47)
1: 14 X Loc [ IRs_Temp_ ]
2: 15 Y Loc [ IR_Exp___ ]
3: 14 Z Loc [ IRs_Temp_ ]
30: Z=X*F (P37)
1: 18 X Loc [ Emissiv ]
2: -1 F
3: 19 Z Loc [ EmissivTp ]
31: Z=X+F (P34)
1: 19 X Loc [ EmissivTp ]
2: 1 F
3: 19 Z Loc [ EmissivTp ]
32: Z=X*Y (P36)
1: 14 X Loc [ IRs_Temp_ ]
2: 19 Y Loc [ EmissivTp ]
3: 14 Z Loc [ IRs_Temp_ ]
33: Z=X-Y (P35)
1: 16 X Loc [ IRs_T4___ ]
2: 14 Y Loc [ IRs_Temp_ ]
3: 14 Z Loc [ IRs_Temp_ ]
34: Z=X*Y (P36)
1: 14 X Loc [ IRs_Temp_ ]
2: 18 Y Loc [ Emissiv ]
3: 14 Z Loc [ IRs_Temp_ ]
35: Z=F x 10^n (P30)
1: 0.25 F
2: 00 n, Exponent of 10
3: 15 Z Loc [ IR_Exp___ ]
36: Z=X^Y (P47)
1: 14 X Loc [ IRs_Temp_ ]
2: 15 Y Loc [ IR_Exp___ ]
3: 14 Z Loc [ IRs_Temp_ ]
37: Z=X+F (P34)
1: 14 X Loc [ IRs_Temp_ ]
2: -273.15 F
3: 20 Z Loc [ IRTemp_C_ ]
; Output array
38: If time is (P92)
1: 0 Minutes (Seconds --) into a
2: 1 Interval (same units as above)
3: 10 Set Output Flag High (Flag 0)
39: Set Active Storage Area (P80)^16044
1: 1 Final Storage Area 1
2: 1 Array ID
40: Average (P71)^14616
1: 1 Reps
2: 20 Loc [ IRTemp_C_ ]
41: Sample (P70)^28389
1: 1 Reps
2: 20 Loc [ IRTemp_C_ ]

End Program
*Table 2 Program
02: 0.0000 Execution Interval (seconds)
*Table 3 Subroutines
End Program

-Input Locations-
1 CSI_R 0 0 0
2 1 0 0 0
3 _________ 1 0 0
4 Coeff_X 1 1 1
5 Coeff_Y 1 1 1
6 Coeff_Z 1 1 1
7 BR_Res___ 1 2 2
8 IR_Can___ 1 3 1
9 _________ 0 0 0
10 IR_Can_Tp 1 1 1
11 IRs_V_TC_ 1 5 3
12 IRs_V____ 1 1 1
13 IRs_E____ 1 4 4
14 IRs_Temp_ 1 10 10
15 IR_Exp___ 1 5 5
16 IRs_T4___ 1 2 1
17 IRs_T 1 1 2
18 Emissiv 1 2 1
19 EmissivTp 1 2 2
20 IRTemp_C_ 1 2 1
21 _________ 0 0 0
22 _________ 0 0 0
23 _________ 0 0 0
24 _________ 0 0 0
25 _________ 0 0 0
26 _________ 0 0 0
27 _________ 0 0 0
28 _________ 0 0 0
-Program Security-
-Mode 4-
-Final Storage Area 2-
-CR10X ID-
-CR10X Power Up-
-CR10X Compile Setting-
-CR10X RS-232 Setting-
-DLD File Labels-
-Final Storage Labels-


Grant Apr 13, 2014 11:20 PM

First, do you need to be measuring at 1 second intervals? If not, slow it down, you may not be giving the instrument enough time to measure and respond.

Second, look at the values of the data in order that you process them to make sure it is not a calculation error somewhere. You measure the thermistor and place it in BR_Res then do some calculation, then do another calculation and dump the result in IR_can. You then measure the temperature and place the voltage returned in IRs_V before doing some further calculations (and changing the location) so if you are not getting a sensible result in IRs_V then the rest of your numbers will be wrong.

Hope this helps


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