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How to connect a CR1000 with a MINI-PAM (Walz, Germany)

Rhuanito Mar 31, 2014 09:28 PM

Hello, I would like to integrate a CR1000 datalogger with a MINI-PAM (Walz, Germany). The idea is to send a command by the CR1000 to measure fluorescence, get the data and control light intensity based on a comparison with a threshold.

I am using a very simple program, trying to send a command to beep the MINI-PAM every 5 sec (“bp” is the command used in the terminal software while using a serial communication). According to the manufacturer, data transmission is done with 9600 Baud rate / 8N1, with a delay of 50 ms between two measurements. The commands should end with a "Carriage Return" (ASCII 13):

SerialOpen (Com1,9600,0,0,50)
Scan (5,Sec,0,0)
SerialOut (Com1,"bp"&CHR(13)&CHR(10),"",0,50)

I was able to detect the datalogger sending the “bp” command (done either using the LoggerNet Terminal Emulator or a generic software - PuTTy). But when I connect the MINI-PAM to the datalogger the equipment is not receiving the signal (i.e., not beeping).

Does anyone have a clue why? I would appreciate any effort on trying to help me how to connect both equipment.

PS: The CS manual “Interfacing Serial Sensors with Campbell Scientific Dataloggers” will be used for my next steps.


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