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Using string as a NewFile() parameter

Renan Mar 19, 2014 12:31 PM

Hello guys.

I'm working on a program that need to create some txt files under certain conditions. So I'm using the NewFile instruction to create a file, and then the FileOpen/FileWrite/FileClose process to write on that.

My problem is I need to use a variable as the FileName parameter of the NewFile instruction ('cause I need to include some information in the file name, like the Station Name and Timestamp), and the CRBasic looks to accept just "Quoted Text" as FileName.

Somebody knows how I can to create dinamic Filenames despite this limitation?

Thanks all!

Dana Mar 20, 2014 08:20 PM

I don't think NewFile is what you need -- NewFile is a function that monitors a filename to see if a new file has been written with that name.

I think you can do what you need using a variable in FileOpen. e.g.,


This will create a filename: USR:Dana_MyLogger_20_3_2014

("Dana" is the station name in my logger).

"Filename" can then be used in the FileOpen instruction:

OpenFile = FileOpen (FileName,"a",SeekPoint)

A file Dana_MyLogger_20_3_2014 will be written to the USR Drive of the datalogger.

You could also use that long string itself in the FileOpen instruction rather than using the FileName variable, but that gets pretty messy to read.

My test program is copied below. I think you should be able to run this "as is" in your CR1000, if you want. Just set Flag(1) in the datalogger to trigger the file write.

Hope this helps,


Public PTemp, Temp, FileName As String * 30
Public OpenFile, SeekPoint
Public Flag(1) As Boolean, Counter
Public Time(9)

SetStatus ("USRDriveSize",16384)

Scan (1,Sec,3,0)
RealTime (Time())
PanelTemp (PTemp,250)
TCDiff (Temp,1,mV2_5,1,TypeT,PTemp,True ,0,250,1.0,0)
If Flag(1) Then
OpenFile = FileOpen (FileName,"a",SeekPoint)
Do Until Counter = 10
SeekPoint=SeekPoint + FileWrite (OpenFile,"The temperature is ",0)
SeekPoint=SeekPoint + FileWrite (OpenFile,Temp +" degrees",0)
SeekPoint=SeekPoint + FileWrite (OpenFile,CHR(13)+ CHR(10),0)
FileClose (OpenFile)
Flag(1) = False

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