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Remote data collection problem

LGS Mar 3, 2014 05:09 PM


we are facing a problem of manual data collection from a CR1000 through loggernet (windows client and linux server). The scheduling works correctly but when we try to manually connect and retrieve data between two dates the retrieval stalled with 0% and eventually we had to restart the daemons on the linux server.
Any idea/solutions?


ChipsNSalsa Mar 7, 2014 10:18 PM

I just connected my LoggerNet Connect screen running on Windows 8 to a LoggerNet for Linux server running on Ubuntu, clicked the Custom button, and successfully downloaded a selected date range of data to the C:\Temp\ directory of my Windows 8 computer. I'm assuming you're doing something similar.

What drive and path are you trying to save the data file to? Are you adjusting any other settings on the Custom Collection screen besides the Collect Mode and Starting/Ending Date/Time ranges? Any new info to note?

LGS Mar 19, 2014 03:10 PM


we downloaded the data the same way you mentioned and not touched any other parameter. Also we have tried for several other dates without success. This time the loggernet server didn't stalled.

Any clue?

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