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CRBasic Program Timing

LarryT Feb 19, 2014 06:07 PM


When compiling a program with Edlog for one of the array dataloggers, one of the files created, the *.PTI file, listed all the steps and the timimg of each step for the program. How can we get the same information for a CRBasic program? I understand that with non-sequential stepping, the steps are not sequential, but each step will have an individual timing and some must be taken in sequence such as those used to measure and configure the output of a CS506 Fuel Moisture sensor.

The reason I ask is to determine the power usage of a proposed installation to determine sizes of solar panel and batteries.


Larry Treadaway
University of Florida

jra Feb 20, 2014 04:23 PM

To answer your question take a look at the Status Table fields: MeasureTime, ProcessTime and MaxProcTime. If you need to get down to the individual instruction time use the InstructionTimes() instruction in your program.

With that said... generally, program timing has minimal effect on power use. When determining system power use concentrate on your communications devices, how much power they draw when on. Second to that are high power sensors.

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