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NL115 Data Direction

sriki123 Jan 27, 2014 04:36 PM


I have a CR1000 setup with NL115. I can collect data through the datalogger and write it to the CF card through the NL115 and also communicate with datalogger through the NL115.

One question I have is about a weird setup that might not work but I wanted to see if any of you can see it work.

The setup consists of the same CR1000 and NL115. A computer is connected to the datlogger through serial connection. I have a sensor which sends out its reading through a ethernet cable. Is the NL115 capable of reading that data into the datalogger/CF card and me being able to collect that data through the serial communication?

I hope I explained my setup accurately. If anything is not clear, please let me know.

Thanks for any help,

jtrauntvein Jan 29, 2014 12:20 PM

When the datalogger is connected to an NL115, it will activate the TCP/IP stack inside of the datalogger. Once that stack is active, many things are possible and can quite often be performed simultaneously:

- Your program can use TCPOpen() instructions along with SerialIn() and SerialOut() to connect to and gather data from TCP services on your network or on the internet provided your network is connected.

- Your program can connect to FTP servers to send or receive files.

- Your program can send or receive emails

- Your datalogger will be able to act as an FTP and/or HTTP server as a way of serving files and data.

- You can connect to the datalogger over TCP using LoggerNet.

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