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Problem with EmailSend

Coralie Nov 22, 2013 11:15 AM


I am using a CR1000 (OS24) with a NL115 connected to a network.
The CR1000 has a fix IP address.
I am trying to use EmailSend to send an alarm when the temperature reach a threshold.

I used a very simple code posted in this forum but It does not work.

With device Config utility, i filled all the TCP/IP information (Gateway, dns). I enabled the TLS.

Here is the program i use:

Public Batt_Volt
Public PTemp

Const ServerAddr="smtp.googlemail.com:465"
Const ToAddr="aubert.c@gmail.com"
Const FromAddr="aubert.c@gmail.com"
Const Subject="Email From Test Campbell"
Const Attach=""
Const UserName="aubert.c@gmail.com"
Const Password="xxxx"
Const CRLF = CHR(13)+CHR(10)

Public Result As String * 50
Public AlarmTrigger As Boolean
Public Message As String * 250
Public EmailSuccess As Boolean

Units PTemp = degC
Units Batt_Volt=Volts


Minimum (1,Batt_Volt,FP2,0,False)
Sample (1,PTemp,FP2)



PanelTemp (PTemp,250)



If AlarmTrigger = False Then
If PTemp > 18 Then AlarmTrigger = True
If AlarmTrigger Then

Message = "Warning!" + CRLF + CRLF

Message = Message + "This is a automatic email message from the datalogger station " + Status.StationName + ". "

Message = Message + "An alarm condition has been identified. "

Message = Message + "The temperature is " + PTemp + " degrees C." + CRLF + CRLF + CRLF

Message = Message + "Datalogger time is " + Status.Timestamp

EmailSuccess=EMailSend (ServerAddr,ToAddr,FromAddr,Subject,Message,Attach,UserName,Password,Result)



If PTemp < 18 Then AlarmTrigger=False


I get the EmailSuccess variable to False and I do not know what is goign wrong.
In devic config utility, I use the Iptrace code to check the network activity with hyperterminal but I do not know the meaning of the errors.
Here is part of the errors:

11:13:45.62 name: googlemail-smtp.l.google.com,
Aliases: smtp.googlemail.com,
IPv4 addrs:,
Age (in seconds): 105, Expires in 300 seconds (ttl)
11:13:45.62 bigfreeq: head:003BC97C, tail:003BCFBC, len:32, min:31, max:32
11:13:45.63 lilfreeq: head:003B4BDC, tail:003B4D2C, len:60, min:56, max:60
11:13:45.63 rcvdq: head:00000000, tail:00000000, len:0, min:0, max:4
11:13:45.63 mfreeq: head:003B2234, tail:003B2260, len:187, min:184, max:187
11:13:45.64 mbufq: head:00000000, tail:00000000, len:0, min:0, max:3
11:13:45.64 soq: head:003F3694, tail:003F33C4, len:6, min:0, max:6
11:13:45.65 inpfreeq: head:003F4A08, tail:003F3724, len:94, min:94, max:100
11:13:45.65 soqfreeq: head:003F3334, tail:003EFEE4, len:94, min:94, max:100
11:13:45.66 tphfreeq: head:003EFE84, tail:003EEC24, len:99, min:99, max:100
11:13:45.66 tcbfreeq: head:003EE7E0, tail:003EAF34, len:94, min:94, max:100
11:13:45.67 ET0 ip=
11:13:45.67 Comms Mem lens mins: tiny 99 98, lil 99 98, med 45 42, big 21 21, lge 2 2

Can anybody help on this topic?



aps Nov 22, 2013 12:24 PM

Please check this other thread:


You need to change the port you are using (for TLS) and check the security settings on your gmail account to make sure application specific passwords is not being enforced.

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