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CR1000 and CMP3

CTS Nov 20, 2013 07:14 AM

I am trying to connect a CMP3 radiance sensor from Kipp& Zonen to the CR1000 logger. Somehow the output does not make sense as it is way to low, hovering around 0.

Below the instruction used to read the signal.
VoltDiff (fSol_Rad,1,autorangeC,2,True ,0,_50Hz,138.3,0)

Data from CMP3: Sensitivity: 7.23uV/W/m2

The sensor is connected directly to the logger inputs H,L and GND.

Thanks for you assistance


smh Nov 20, 2013 09:06 AM

I just entered your data into Shortcut and got the following (adding fSol_Energy if you want it)

If fSol_Rad<0 Then fSol_Rad=0

Is there a good reason not to use Shortcut for this ?

* Last updated by: smh on 11/20/2013 @ 2:19 AM *

XxVashxX Nov 20, 2013 01:50 PM

Possible you have to change the "autorange" to "mV25", the differential chanel you use in the instruction is 2 so you have to connect the sensor to H2 and L2 (make shure the apropiate color of cable is connected to the corresponding cannel, White to 2H and Black to 2L) the shield cable must be connected to "earth ground" and not to GND "Power ground", also you have to include a wire jumper between cannel 2L and earth ground.

If you cheq the manual can see some examples of programation best regards

CTS Nov 21, 2013 06:21 AM

Thanks for the info.

One more thing that is a bit of a concern is that each CMP3 has got its own sensitivity, this means that each station has to have its own software, which in turn makes SW management more difficult. Is there no way to have a single SW for a multiple of stations?



kirving Nov 21, 2013 07:41 AM

You could use the program to record the raw signals, e.g., setting multipliers to 1 and offsets to 0, and apply the corrections later.

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