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CR1000 communication with Acuvim energy meter

TimS Nov 13, 2013 09:07 PM

I'm trying to read the registers of an Acuvim EL energy meter via RS 485 Modbus. I'm using a CR1000 and an MD485.

I've tried using the ModBusMaster() function and I haven't been able to successfully establish communication. (The ResultCode parameter of the ModBusMaster function increments.)

I've got the MD485 configured for CS I/O and RS-485 communication, and I've tried switching the communications wires. I've also tried all of the different ComPort combinations (ComME, ComSDC7 etc.)

I know the Acuvim works correctly as I've established communication with it directly using my computer serial port and a B&B 485LDRC9 RS232 to RS485 converter.

Any idea what I can try next?

Thanks in advance!

jtrauntvein Nov 13, 2013 09:56 PM

Does the RS-485 Baud Rate setting on the MD-485 match that expected by your meter? If that matches, do the other port parameters (parity, character length, and stop bits) match the values expected by your meter?

The argument that you specify for the port parameter in the ModBusMaster() instruction must also match the value of the "CS I/O Mode" setting on the MD-485.

TimS Nov 14, 2013 02:34 PM

Thank you!

I hadn't set the communication protocol to "transparent" it was set to PakBus.

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