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CR 1000 NRG 40 hall effect anemometer

mattkauff Oct 20, 2008 09:00 PM

I am looking for guidance on connecting an NRG40H (square wave hall effect output) anemometer to a CR1000 anemomter. I am thinking I might have an option of connecting this sensor to the Control port input, or would I need an LLAC4 device. Anyone have technical information on this installation? I know the traditional NRG40 frequency sensor works with Campbell products, but haven't found anything on the 40H. Thanks

Anton Nov 19, 2010 02:50 PM

If I read the CR1000 manual correctly, an external pull-up resistor is required with the control port. The pulse ports on the other hand have built-in pull-up resistors.

The NRG app note suggests a 1K resistor to 12V, whereas the CR1000 has a 100K to 5V. Is the built-in one sufficient?

IslandMan Nov 21, 2010 10:51 AM

I have used the NRG sensor with a CR1000. Just use it with a Pulse input channel.

'Measure NRG #40 Wind Speed Sensor, Pulse Channel 1
If Wspd < 0.79 Then Wspd = 0

Hope this helps.

* Last updated by: IslandMan on 11/21/2010 @ 3:52 AM *

Anton Nov 22, 2010 04:20 PM

Thanks for the tip. It looks like your anemometer is not the hall effect type though.

IslandMan Nov 24, 2010 10:14 AM

This is what the client supposedly supplied on the project, and that programming worked:
"Windspeed NRG 1901 #40-H"

Anton Nov 24, 2010 02:22 PM

That's interesting. Your pulsecount instruction is using low-level ac mode, which I did not expect with the hall effect anemometer. It's nice to know that that works as well.

Did you add a resistor?

IslandMan Nov 25, 2010 11:27 AM

I believe I used ShortCut and that is the Pulse statement it generated. I never had any complaints from the client so I'm assuming it worked fine. No, I did not use a resistor.

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