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data from Sys\Bin

sarle Nov 5, 2013 04:31 PM


I have some how lost my downloaded .dat file and the logger I used has been reprogrammed. But I have found files that look like they could be my data here:


The only problem is they are in .TABLE format. Is there any way of converting these back to .dat files?


jtrauntvein Nov 5, 2013 11:02 PM

The files that you refer to above hold the data for LoggerNet's cache tables. They cannot be read directly because they do not contain the table definitions. That said, the data contained in these files (if any) can be read by LoggerNet clients including the "data filer" application.

sarle Nov 6, 2013 10:50 AM

Thanks for that. Where would I find the data filer application? I have Loggernet V4.

aps Nov 6, 2013 11:37 AM

Data filer is found under the utilities menu of either the toolbar or start menu option for CampbellSci/Loggernet. You would also find the EXE and help file in the Loggernet program files directory.

However, the data filer program is normally only supplied with the Admin version of Loggernet, so you may not have it.

aps Nov 6, 2013 11:42 AM

BTW Loggernet will often rename any existing file it has been appending files to with a .BAK extension, if it finds the program in the logger has changed. It would be worth checking for the existance of that file.

sarle Nov 6, 2013 04:56 PM

I don't have the admin version. Is there any other way around this? Could I send you the .table file?

jtrauntvein Nov 6, 2013 05:15 PM

There is another client program included in LoggerNet's binary directory (c:\program files\campbellsci\loggernet) called tablemon2.exe for diagnostics purposes. This program has the capability of writing the data it receives from the server to a data file.

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