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Ethernet connection between two dataloggers

Otemohu Nov 4, 2013 09:08 PM


I have a CR3000 and a CR1000 with NL115 and NL120, respectively. I just would like to interconnect the two datalogger by Ethernet as folowing: the CR3000 will act as master and will collect in the CF card all its data and the data recorded by the CR1000.

I tried this configuration into Network Planner but when I wanted to store the settings into dataloggers, it does not work: I had the following error message "Invalid Setting Name".

Is this connection possible ?

My idea is to take the CFcard out weekly and copy all the data from the two dataloggers on a laptop.


Sam Nov 5, 2013 03:41 AM

please install devconfig 2.06 and try again. it will fix the invalid setting name error.

this connection is definitely possible.

however based on your description it sounds like you will also need to do some GetDataRecord() or SendData() CRBasic programming in the CR3000 or CR1000, respectively in order to "concentrate" the data records into the CR3000 and onto the CF card.

TaCaPica Nov 5, 2013 04:24 PM


I have 3 CR1000 connected through ethernet (using NL115 in all and writting ALL the data in the 3, using CF cards). If u want i can send u the code.

My email is jpedro(at)quantific(dot)pt

* Last updated by: TaCaPica on 11/5/2013 @ 9:24 AM *

Otemohu Nov 5, 2013 08:37 PM


To Sam:
With the new version of Devconfig, it runs well. Thank you.

To TaCaPica:
It was not a problem for me before: I use several campbell dataloggers on a ethernet and RS485 network on the field (2 CR3000, 7 CR1000 and 2 AM16/32). I had configured it with network planner. But this time, there was a bug in the Devconfig software. It is fixed.

You can see the result of my RTMC Pro project at the following web adress: http://max2.ese.u-psud.fr/SiteBarbeau/realtime.html

Have a good surf on the website,


* Last updated by: Otemohu on 11/5/2013 @ 1:38 PM *

Otemohu Nov 6, 2013 04:45 PM

Sorry but it does not work. I install the new version of defconfig and thé new os 27. When i edit the datalogger with network planner it runs now but impossible to communicate with the Cr1000 through the cr3000. The 2 datalogger are connected with Ethernet cable and i use a rs232 cable tout connect the cr3000 to the Cr1000. Cr3000 is Server and cr1000 issue client.

If you have ideas?

aps Nov 6, 2013 05:06 PM

What cable are you using between the two? With most of the current ethernet hardware you usually have to use a cross-over cable if there is no hub or switch involved.

Otemohu Nov 6, 2013 05:10 PM

Ok i tried with a classic ethernet cable. I have to use a cross-wired ethernet cable.


Otemohu Nov 7, 2013 09:38 PM

I used a cross-over cable and it's working now! Thank you.

Do you think I can connect another CR3000 on the first one with a null modem cable? I think Yes. Nevertheless, it will be impossible to connect a computer after.

My idea is the following network:

CR1000 ---Ethernet cross-over cable--- CR3000(RF416 on SDC7 port) ---Null modem--- CR3000

My only possibility to connect to the network is through a RF432 and a PC quipped with Loggernet.

Is there other possibility of interconnectivity for my network described above?


* Last updated by: Otemohu on 11/7/2013 @ 2:41 PM *

Sam Nov 8, 2013 12:59 AM

Yes that should work. You could also connect the two loggers via a COM port pair. You can connect your pc to the logger via rs232, sc32b or sc105 on csio, or via a com port pair.

* Last updated by: Sam on 11/7/2013 @ 5:59 PM *

Otemohu Nov 8, 2013 10:27 AM

I've just tested the connexion I suggested above. It works with a Com port (Tx-Rx).
During my test, with a scanrate of 1sec on each logger, the resultcode increase sometimes to 1 but come back to zero just after. I precise that in the program of the "central" CR3000 (the one which have the radio), I use the GetVariable command. Any data are recorded in the memory of the two others loggers.

The CR3000 connected to the other through COM port will work for eddy measurement, at 10Hz (scanrate at 100ms). I'm not sure that I will not have loss data.Maybe it is better to log data in each loggers and send (or get) data Tables to the central CR3000 to avoid that? What are your recommendations?

* Last updated by: Otemohu on 11/8/2013 @ 3:29 AM *

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