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Cell modem callback while on SW12

Colin Oct 31, 2013 07:30 PM


in order to optimize our battery usage on a remote logger, we intend to connect a RavenXT to the SW12 and power it only 10min every 4hours to allow LoggerNet to retrieve the data. Data *needs* to be updated in our database every 4hours so if the comm fails over that 10min period we are in trouble.

A more efficient and safe way to achieve it in my mind would be to configure the logger to initiate the callback and monitor for a successful data transmission. Keeping in mind that the modem should be totally powered off between communication to save as much battery as possible.

Does anyone have any experience with such a setup?

Sam Nov 1, 2013 04:48 AM

Configure LoggerNet Setup with PakBus/TCP Server root device and add your logger(s) to that setup. Make sure LoggerNet is accessible by cell modem, often customers get a public, static, IP address for their office network and forward port 6785 to their LoggerNet PC that is listening on port 6785.

Maybe something like this would get you started

Public PTemp, batt_volt
Public Handle As Long
Public Result

DataTable (Test,1,1000)
DataInterval (0,15,Sec,10)
Minimum (1,batt_volt,FP2,0,False)
Sample (1,PTemp,FP2)

Scan (1,Sec,0,0)

PanelTemp (PTemp,250)
Battery (batt_volt)
CallTable Test



If IfTime (0,240,Min) Then SW12(1)
If IfTime (5,240,Min) Then
Handle = TCPOpen ("",6785,0,30000,Handle,1)
SendVariables (Result,Handle,-1,4094,0000,0,"Public","Callback",Handle,1)
If IfTime(10,240,Min) Then SW12(0)



* Last updated by: Sam on 10/31/2013 @ 10:49 PM *

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