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LoggerNet on Windows Server 2008

rlwoell Oct 16, 2013 07:32 PM

Does anyone know if LoggerNet and any of the other family of software will run under Windows Server 2008 SP2 64 bit?

aps Oct 17, 2013 08:55 AM

It will run OK if installed by an IT administrator that can setup the accounts and the extra security correctly. Currently we do not officially support running Loggernet on this platform though.

rlwoell Oct 17, 2013 10:16 PM

My IT admin says he needs more detail on what is meant by “setup the accounts and the extra security correctly”.

(I know data loggers, but am still learning the IT side of the network.)

aps Oct 18, 2013 08:18 AM

Generally LN will work out of the box on a vanilla server installation, but there can be issues if the server security is tightened.

There are three common issues I have heard about which include:

1) the fact LN will by default create and try to use a directory in the root of the C: drive which is not allowed by some security setups. You can however put the working directory of Loggernet wherever you like at time of installation.

2) If you run Loggernet as a service the installation process creates a special user, so to install the program you have to have adequate install rights to allow the creation of new users and not have any blocks on users being created.

3)the normal firewall issues - Loggernet usings sockets for comms so a strict firewall policy can block it working.

MatthewBoyd Dec 2, 2014 01:52 PM

For my case, I have had no problems running Loggernet or Loggernet Admin (so I can run it as a service when logged off) on Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard, 64-bit, installed on a Linux KVM virtual machine.

I did have an issue running the install program from a local CD drive, since I remote desktop in to the server, but it worked after I copied all the CD files to the server and ran it from there. The error I was getting was "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000000f)."

rlwoell Dec 4, 2014 08:20 PM

I should have updated my post here. We did get it installed and running successfully on the first try.

The only issue I have had is mentioned by APS as item 1. I have had data files go to the root of C: when they weren't specified for scheduled download. This has happened after sending a new program to the logger. LN changed the data file output name to the default C:\Campbellsci\LoggerNet location.

In my case only IT staff has access to those areas and I had to have one of them copy the files to an accessible directory. I understand that I may be able to use Cora Script to retrieve them myself.

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