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Disadvantage to PPP mode?

GBarker Oct 16, 2013 03:15 PM

I've recently started using the EmailSend function for the CR1000, with good success. As instructed, I had to set the Raven cell modem to PPP mode for this to work. My question is this: is there some disadvantage to PPP mode? So far I have only seen the advantage that I can use the EmailSend function. Warning: I'm an IT dummy, so please use English.

Grant Oct 18, 2013 12:05 AM

Another disadvantage I have found with PPP mode in the past is that when in PPP mode you cannot dial into the system via LoggerNet to download or reprogram, you have to do this via an IP connection

GBarker Oct 18, 2013 12:11 AM

Grant -I'm not sure why you say that, as I currently have a CR1000 connected to a modem, in PPP mode, and I have been collecting data and loading programs using LoggerNet without a problem. And the EmailSend function is working.

aps Oct 18, 2013 07:50 AM

I believe Grant is referring to being able to call into the modem in CSD/dial-up mode. This is possible with some networks and modems if you stop the PPP session. It is not commonly used with the Ravens, in the USA.

As you say you can do everything over the IP connection and more but it is not unkown for the PPP connection to misfunction or the GPRS side of things to fail at a network level, so some users like the backup of being able to dial-in,

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