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Public IP vs Private IP

jandujar Oct 4, 2013 03:55 PM

Right now I am using the modem COM110 for a GPRS connection. The IP that I get is a private IP instead of a Public IP.
Currently I am sending the data every hour using the datalogger as FTP client. However, if I want to change the CR1000 program or connect remotely to the datalogger, it is impossible for me.

I would like to know the possible solutions that I have, without taking into account VPN connections and contract a static public IP, to connect remotely with the datalogger.

aps Oct 4, 2013 06:12 PM

Please read the CS-GPRS manual relevant to the COM110 which describes the call-back options. This will work if your PC running Loggernet has a public IP address or port from a router which has a public IP address can be routed to the Loggernet PC.

wanagorn Oct 5, 2013 02:43 PM

I am a newbie for CR1000 datalogger.
My system include with CR1000 AVW200 Multiplexer and MOXA Oncell G3110 GPRS Modem.
Now I use schedule collection in Loggernet and Task Master to sent data to FTP server.
I want to use FTPClient function , please advise me how to setup

Thank you

Wanagorn S,

jandujar Oct 7, 2013 08:44 PM

To send the data using FTP is quite easy. You have to set up a host as a FTP server. If your host is a Linux platform , you can find many information to set it up properly (vsftp).
Then, you can test it with filezilla whether the host has been configurated adequately.

Regarding to the logger, below you can find an example:

FTPSuccess_1Min = FTPClient(Ipftp2,Userftp2,Passftp2, LastFileNameIradiacion_01_Min2, Nombre_imagen_servidor_1min,2)

jandujar Oct 7, 2013 08:54 PM


I have tried the callback and it works properly. The only thing is to know if it would be possible to use python,c/c++ to carry out the communication in the same way. I have seen that the PYPACK is similar but it is not able to do the callback, it just works with public IP.

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