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Communication with OPC Server

fpborges Oct 1, 2013 05:47 PM

Dear colleagues,

We're using a OCP SCI Licence integrated with LoggerNet Server and it's working fine. We've created TAGs in OPC Explorer (Matrikon), but when we try to collect data by Client (OPC Explorer) we receive an incomplete information.

Then we've tried to communicate remotely with the OPC Server using the OPC Explorer. We can see the datalogger but we can't create the TAGs.

Is this a licence issue? Can you help us?

Thanks in advance,


tmecham Oct 1, 2013 07:22 PM

So you are using the CSI OPC Server to communicate with LoggerNet Server?

The MatrikonOPC Explorer Client works fine for setting up tags and collecting data?

What OPC Client are you having problems with?

We don't officially support remote OPC Connections with the CSI OPC Server because of potential security issues when enabling DCOM. Matrikon does have clients that can help set DCOM if you need to use it.

Typically, we recommend users run the CSI OPC Server and OPC Client on the same PC and then have the CSI OPC Server remote connect to the LoggerNet Server.

fpborges Oct 24, 2013 12:10 PM

Yes, we bought the CSI OPC Server. Is it possible to allow the remote connection? Is there anyone who made remote connection with OPC or directly by LoggerNet? Is it possible to allow the remote connection by CSIOPC Server? What are the steps that we need to follow to stablish a connection between the Matrikon OPC and the LoggerNet (CR1000)?



tmecham Oct 25, 2013 12:38 PM

You should install Matrikon OPC and CSI OPC Server on the same machine. The properties for the CSI OPC Server allow you to remotely connect to your LoggerNet Server on a different PC. You will need to make sure that your LoggerNet Server has enabled remote connections. You can do this by Right Clicking on the LoggerNet toolbar, and selecting the options menu item. Then make sure under Behavior that the "Allow Remote Connections" is checked. Then Restart LoggerNet and you should be able to connect from the CSI OPC Server to the LoggerNet Server.

fpborges Oct 25, 2013 06:48 PM

Can you explain to me how the loggernet system connects itself to the CSIOPC Server?

I can't make the remote connection through the loggernet system, because I need another opc server installed on the remote machine. Is it possible this opc server to collect data directly from the loggernet system? If the answer is yes, which opc server should be used?



tmecham Oct 25, 2013 06:55 PM

PC 1
Matrikon OPC Client
CSI OPC Server

PC 2

The CSI OPC Server puts an icon in the windows system tray when it is running. Right click on the icon and you will be able to change the properties of the CSI OPC Server running on PC1 to connect to the LoggerNet server running on PC2.

fpborges Oct 28, 2013 06:38 PM

Could I stablish a connection between Loggernet and Matricon OPC Remote (Client) whitout CSIOPC Server?

tmecham Oct 28, 2013 06:40 PM

No, it is not possible to connect an OPC Client to LoggerNet without the CSI OPC Server to bridge the gap. It maps all of the LoggerNet tables and fields into OPC Tags and manages the communications to keep the tags up to date.

fpborges Oct 29, 2013 12:06 PM

Thanks for clarifying the situation. So, how do I stablish connection between Loggernet, CSI OPC Server and Matrikon OPC Remote (Client)? Would you help us?



* Last updated by: fpborges on 11/1/2013 @ 12:28 PM *

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