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LNDB engine stops writing to SQL server

newtoLoggernet4 Sep 24, 2013 05:49 PM


every so often LNDB service stops writing to my SQL server and stops the service until its manually restarted.

I checked the logs and the following lines are listed

"SQL Error, Cannot access destination table '[table Name]'., System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy"

"Database connection failed. Cannot access destination table '[table name]'."

"Stopping Engine..."
"Stopping Data Advise"
"Engine Stopped"
"Engine will restart in 15 seconds."
"Stopping Engine..."
"Engine Stopped"
"Engine will restart in 15 seconds."

when the service is started manually again


Has anyone come across this or know what the issue is?


AMK Jan 9, 2014 01:13 AM

The same thing is happening to my LNDB instance on Windows 7. Any more discussion regarding this topic?


Dana Jan 9, 2014 04:39 PM

Are your databases on network drives? My wild guess is, if they are, the network is dropping out when LNDB tries to write to the table.


AMK Jan 9, 2014 05:35 PM

Yes, database is on a network drive, across an old T1 line from the research site to the University.

Anything simple in LNDB that could auto-restore the engine - or notify a user when it's off?

Thanks and good guess! Makes sense.


aparkinson Jan 9, 2014 06:05 PM

For the error description given:

"SQL Error, Cannot access destination table '[table Name]'., System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy"

The database connection was made but the table cannot be accessed. I would assume that your datalogger's table name is actually "table Name", is this correct? or is "table Name" a implied substitution for the actual name of the table?

I can reproduce this error only when the rights to the specific table are restricted to the user. This would infer that the user has rights to connect the database, but NOT the specific table "table Name", which seems to be an odd restriction.

Note: (the error description: "Database connection failed." is a general error statement, but not exactly accurate, since a connection has to be made to the database to get a table access error).

Also, note that at some point the table "table Name" had been created by the LNDB Engine service, was the service assigned to the same user? (That user did have rights to create the table.)

Are you the administrator of the SQLSERVER database, or is there an IT professional or some other individual who administers the database?

Are you using SQLSERVER authentication or Windows authentication? (In either case all permissions would seem to be denied for that user on that specific table.)

Have either of you (newtoLoggernet4 or AMK) corrected this error?


AMK Jan 9, 2014 07:02 PM

Hi, thanks for the reply.

I haven't actually seen this error, so my case may be different, while the symptom is the same (engine stops).

I use Windows authentication for my installation. I haven't corrected this error. The only thing I have really experimented with is leaving various windows from LNDB open or minimized, or closed. Neither of these random solutions have changed anything.

Note, this symptom probably occurs only several times/month.


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