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CR5000 OS1.6 update??

JBK1Hardi Sep 11, 2013 02:02 PM

Hi I have just started using a CR5000 with old firmware...
Will it be necessary to update the firmware/ serve a purpos?

LoggerNet 3.4 sems to handle the task fine - compiling and uploading the software!

rlwoell Sep 11, 2013 04:08 PM

There have been a lot of changes to the OS since 1.6 was released and I would suggest updating to the latest version.

You can download it for free from this website under the "Support" tab, then "Downloads". Choose the drop down list "Downloads by Category" and select "Operating Systems, Datalogger". Under the section for the CR5000 you can also view the OS revision history and see what has been changed and why.

The download will also get you the latest support files for LoggerNet and RTDAQ.

JBK1Hardi Sep 12, 2013 07:29 AM

Thanks for the reply! I see your point however…
Will I be able to use my present program written in PC5GEN after the OS upgrade?
As fare I know - it is impossible to downgrade the OS from 6.0 -> 1.6!
I’m not an expert on the programming, so it would be perfect to avoid the risk!


' Program name: SG_1_20.CR5
' Written by: Name
' I.D. number: Number
' Date written: 10-11-2004
' Time written: 15:53:34
' PC5GEN Version: 4.10

'This program was generated using Campbell Scientific's PC5GEN
'program generator for the CR5000 Measurement & Control System.

'\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ TIMING CONSTANTS ///////////////////////

Const PERIOD = 50 'Scan interval number
Const P_UNITS = 1 'Scan interval units (mSecs)

Const INTERVAL1 = 50 'Table 1 interval number
Const UNITS1 = 1 'Table 1 interval units (mSecs)

'\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ BRIDGE CONSTANTS ///////////////////////

'________________________ Bridge Block 1 ________________________
Const BRNG1 = 50 'Block1 measurement range (Auto)
Const BREP1 = 1 'Block1 repetitions
Const BEXCIT1 = 5000 'Block1 excitation mVolts
Const BSETL1 = 200 'Block1 settling time (usecs)
Const BINT1 = 20000 'Block1 integration time (usecs)
Const BGF1 = -2 'Block1 gauge factor
Const BCODE1 = 1 'Block1 gauge code for 1/4 bridge strain
Const BMULT1 = 1 'Block1 default multiplier
Const BOSET1 = 0 'Block1 default offset
Public BBlk1(BREP1) 'Block1 dimensioned source
Dim GBBlk1(BREP1) 'Block1 dimensioned gauge factor
Dim BBlk1ZeroMv(BREP1) 'Block1 zero mV variable
Dim BBlk1ZeroUs(BREP1) 'Block1 zero uStrain variable
Units BBlk1ZeroMv = mVperV 'Block1 default units (mVperV)
Units BBlk1ZeroUs = uStrain 'Block1 default units (uStrain)
Units BBlk1 = uStrain 'Block1 default units (uStrain)

'\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ALIASES & OTHER VARIABLES //////////////////

Public Flag(8) 'General Purpose Flags
Dim I 'Declare I as a variable
Dim Count 'Declare Count as a variable
Dim ReadPort 'Declare ReadPort (1-8) variable

'\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ OUTPUT SECTION ////////////////////////

'---------------------------- Table 1----------------------------
DataTable(STR1_20,True,-1) 'Trigger, auto size
DataInterval(0,INTERVAL1,UNITS1,0) '50 mSec interval, 0 lapses, autosize
CardOut(0,-1) 'PC card , size Auto
'_______________________ Bridge Blocks _______________________
Sample (BREP1,BBlk1(),FP2) '1 Reps,Source,Res
EndTable 'End of table STR1_20

'--------------- Store zero values from Sub Zero8 ---------------
DataTable(ZERO_8,Count>99,100) 'Trigger on Count 100
Average(BREP1,BBlk1ZeroMv(),IEEE4,False)'1 Reps,Source,Res,Enabled
Average(BREP1,BBlk1ZeroUs(),IEEE4,False)'1 Reps,Source,Res,Enabled
EndTable 'End of table ZERO_8

'\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ SUBROUTINES //////////////////////////

Sub Zero8 'Begin zero measure routine
Count = 0 'Set Count to zero
Scan(PERIOD,P_UNITS,0,100) 'Scan 100 times. 5.00 Seconds.
BrFull(BBlk1ZeroMv(),BREP1,BRNG1,1,VX1,1,BEXCIT1,False,False,BSETL1,BINT1,BMULT1,BOSET1) 'Strain
Count = Count + 1 'Increment Count
CallTable ZERO_8 'Go up and run Table ZERO_8
Next Scan 'Loop up for the next scan
For I = 1 To BREP1 'Do this 1 times
BBlk1ZeroMv(I) = ZERO_8.BBlk1ZeroMv_Avg(I,1)
Next I 'Do it again
Flag(8) = False 'Reset Flag(8)
End Sub 'End gauge zero measure routine

'\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ PROGRAM ////////////////////////////

BeginProg 'Program begins here
For I = 1 To BREP1 'Do the following to all of BBlk1
GBBlk1(I) = BGF1 'Assign default gauge factor (2) to GBBlk1
Next I 'Repeat above until finished
Scan(PERIOD,P_UNITS,0,0) 'Scan once every 50 mSecs, non-burst
'_________________________ Port Control _________________________
ReadIO(ReadPort,&H1) 'Destination, mask
'________________________ Bridge Blocks ________________________
BrFull(BBlk1(),BREP1,BRNG1,1,VX1,1,BEXCIT1,False,False,BSETL1,BINT1,BMULT1,BOSET1) 'Strain
StrainCalc(BBlk1(),BREP1,BBlk1(),BBlk1ZeroMv(),BCODE1,BGF1,0) 'Strain calculation
If Flag(8) Then Zero8 'Go do Zero8 subroutine

'______________________ Output Table Control ______________________
If ReadPort > 0 Then CallTable STR1_20
Next Scan 'Loop up for the next scan
EndProg 'Program ends here

'***** Program End *****

GTProdMgr Sep 13, 2013 03:47 PM

I just ran your program with the Std6 shipping/latest CR5000 OS and it works fine.

OS 1.6 formatted the CPU drive and any compact flash cards you may have been using (CRD device) as 16-bit FAT (FAT16). When you load the Std6 OS, you will need to re-format your CPU and any compact flash cards you have as FAT32 (get the data off your compact flash cards first !).

This is what causes the difficulty of going back to any OS earlier than 2.0. It is not impossible to do, you just have to format the CPU and CRD devices if you ever need to do that.

I don't have any reason to believe you will ever need to go back, so I recommend you install OS Std6 right away.

* Last updated by: GTProdMgr on 9/13/2013 @ 11:09 AM *

JBK1Hardi Sep 17, 2013 07:29 AM

Thanks GTProdMgr,
I will give it a go.
You running the program was exactly the comfort I was looking for before updating!

JBK1Hardi Sep 17, 2013 07:30 AM

Thanks GTProdMgr,
I will give it a go.
You running the program was exactly the comfort I was looking for before updating!

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