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about the card convert

lssllyin Sep 5, 2013 07:21 PM

Hello, I am trying to convert the data in the PC card collected by CR5000. I know we can convert it using the card convert in Loggernet. I am curious is it possible to convert the data in Matlab or R. Do anyone have some experiences? Any suggestion will be helpful. Thanks!

GTProdMgr Sep 13, 2013 03:33 PM

The .DAT files created by the CardOut instruction within the
CRBasic program get placed onto the compact flash card (CRD device) in TOB3 format (or TOB2 format for very old CR5000 OSes) which is an unpublished binary format. CardConvert can read that format and convert it to TOA5 or TOB1. TOA5 is an ASCII format, TOB1 is a binary format. I don't think you will find a MATLAB or R program that will read TOB3/TOB2 but you may find one that could read TOB1 (which I think was documented in an appendix of LoggerNet at one time).

There is a command-line utility called TOB32.exe that
ships with Loggernet that can also make the conversion of TOB3 files. FileFormatConvert.exe can also convert these files. View Pro can read the TOB3 format natively and display the data graphcially.

The other option is simply to do a scheduled collection or custom collect from LoggerNet while the program is running on the CR5000, and then LoggerNet will read the data from both the CPU and the CRD tables of the logger and create a local file in the format of your choice (TOA5, TOB1, XML, CSV, etc.)

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