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NL240 internet

Ponce Aug 29, 2013 09:53 PM

Hi all,

I am a little bit lost. I am trying to connect a CR800 DL to the internet, but I have no idea which commands to use.

When I use a modem I use the following commands:


Once set these parameters I get an IP-Adress assigned by the following command:

IPaddress = PPPOpen()

That is clear and works perfectly with modems, but what do I have to code to have the same with an NL240 and a CR800 DL???

Thanks for any suggestions!

Ponce Sep 4, 2013 08:48 AM

Any ideas?

aps Sep 4, 2013 09:41 AM

The NL240 is a wireless interface that connects to a local network using standard WIFI protocols etc, as explained in the manual. You have to setup the NL240 first to enter details of the network it will connect to and wireless keys etc. For a CR800 you would also set the NL240 to run in bridge mode and enable this in the logger, also entering the assigned IP address etc, if not set by DHCP.

This does not connect you to the "internet" directly only to a local wireless network. If the routers controlling that network allow access to the internet that the logger will have access to the internet. More often than not that access will be outgoing access only using the "NAT" mechanism. You will not be able to make incoming calls to the logger from the interent unless router is setup to route specific traffic to the logger.

You need to talk to whomever manages the network you are trying to connect to for details of the WIFI setup, IP address allocation and whether any router setup is required.

Ponce Sep 23, 2013 01:54 PM

Thanks for the answer. I managed to get my CR800, NL240 combination connecting to my Loggernet server.

Is there any instruction to retrieve the ip Address assigned to the NL240 via programm instruction?

When establishing a connection via modem you can use

IPaddress = PPPOpen()

to get the ID address. Ist there a similar instruction for the case the NL240 is in bridge mode and connected to the CS I/O port?

Sam Sep 24, 2013 02:39 AM

If the NL240 is configured with bridge mode enabled, then you should be able to use the information found in Status.IPInfo(). I'll admit that I wish there was a more straight forward way to do this. Below is a sub for finding the Ethernet IP (NL115, NL120). You will be looking for something like CSIOIP(2) (take a look in your IP Info field to see what you should be looking for).

Sub GetEthIP(IP As String)
Dim IPInfo As String * 128
Dim I, J
IPInfo = UpperCase(Status.IPInfo(1,1))
I = InStr (1,IPInfo,"ETH IP:",2)
J = InStr (I,IPInfo,CHR(13),2)
IP = Trim(Mid (IPInfo,I+7,J-I-7))

Ponce Sep 24, 2013 02:08 PM

Dear Sam!

Great it works. The code for NL240 is as follows:

Sub GetIP(ip_address As String)
Dim IPInfo As String * 128
Dim I, j
IPInfo = UpperCase(Status.IPInfo(1,1))
I = InStr (1,IPInfo,"CSIO(2) IP:",2)
j = InStr (I,IPInfo,CHR(13),2)
ip_address = Trim(Mid (IPInfo,I+11,j-I-11))

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