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Serial Break

Peinut Aug 27, 2013 12:20 AM

Hi everybody, i`m new here. My name is Gustavo and i work with waves measurements. I'm trying to send a serial break to a sensor. This sensor uses "===" , "!" or End key to do the serial break.
I also have some trouble wiring the sensor at the com1 port. This is the wiring scheme: http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/1733/upag.png
The Baudrate used is 38400. This is how the break works: http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/9212/4x2g.png. It works well at the terminal, but not using the Serialoutblock instruction. My code is messed up and i have some shame to show it. The sensors used are a ADCP WORKHORSE SENTINEL and a NEMO. (the output data is NMEA0183). Can someone help?

Ps: Sorry about my poor english! (I'm Brazilian)

* Last updated by: Peinut on 8/26/2013 @ 6:21 PM *

Dana Aug 27, 2013 03:50 PM

In regards to the Break, can you use the CRBasic instruction SerialBrk? I haven't worked much with serial sensors, but it seems like SerialBrk with a 300 ms duration may work.

Dana W.

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