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Problem WXT520 Weather to a CR1000

daviseal Jul 17, 2013 07:13 PM

We have connected a WXT520 Weather station to a CR1000 campbell datalogger through a SDI12 port. We have uploaded the program provided in the PC200W manual for this WXT520 station (pasted below). However, we found two problems:

1) The array variable WXT520 has a "variable out of bounds error - There is a program error".
2) Only the last data point can be downloaded from the datalogger (is it related to the previous error?).

Thank you very much for your help.

Best regards

Program used:

'CR1000 Series Datalogger
Public PTemp, batt_volt
Public WXT520(7)
Alias WXT520(1)=WindDir
Alias WXT520(2)=WindSpd
Alias WXT520(3)=AirTemp
Alias WXT520(4)=RelHumidity
Alias WXT520(5)=AirPressure
Alias WXT520(6)=Ramount
Alias WXT520(7)=Hamount
Units WindDir = Degrees
Units WindSpd = m/s
Units AirTemp = Celcius
Units RelHumidity = %
Units AirPressure = hPa
Units Ramount = mm
Units Hamount = hits/cm2
'Define Data Tables
DataTable (Test,1,-1)
DataInterval (0,60,Min,10)
WindVector (1,WindSpd,WindDir,FP2,False,900,0,0)
Average (1,AirTemp,FP2,False)
Sample (1,RelHumidity,FP2)
Sample (1,AirPressure,IEEE4)
Totalize (1,Ramount,FP2,False)
Totalize (1,Hamount,FP2,False)
'Main Program
'Running a 5 second scan to coincide with 5 second
'update interval of the WXT520
Scan (5,Sec,0,0)
PanelTemp (PTemp,250)
Battery (batt_volt)
'WXT520 connected to SDI12 port 1
SDI12Recorder (WXT520(1),1,0,"R!",1.0,0)
CallTable Test

aps Jul 18, 2013 09:50 AM

It sounds like you are trying to run with a WXT520 that has not been setup to match the normal Campbell configuration for that sensor (which will then match your program).

There are details of our standard setup in the back of our WXT520 manual. If you do not have the necessary cable to reconfigure the sensor it should be possible either to reconfigure the sensor via the datalogger or change the program to match whatever the sensor is setup to do.

Please contact you local Campbell Scientific office to work through those options.

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