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different scan interval for CSAT3 and wind sentry anemometer

Christian Jul 16, 2013 01:09 AM

We would like to have different scan intervals in the same program.

1) 10 Hz for CSAT3 (main scan)
2) 1 Hz for wind sentry anemometer 03002-5 ("pulsecount" instruction)

Theoretically this is not possible, because sampling rate for wind sentry anemometer should be included in the main program.

Using of llac4 would solve the problem?

Any other suggestion?

aps Jul 16, 2013 04:34 PM

The LLAC4 still generates pulses that need to be counted and there is a restriction that all pulse count instructions must be in the main scan of the program (to maintain timing accuracy).

I presume you want to run at 1 Hz to avoid "lumpy" readings. This can be avoided by using the pulse count instruction and specifying the averaging interval for the measurement using the POption parameter.

If you use a value of >1 this tells the instruction to return a running average of frequency (Hz). The value entered is the time period of the running average in milliseconds and must be a multiple of the scan interval, 1000 in your case.

Christian Jul 16, 2013 07:14 PM

Thank you for your reply. It's simple.

But what happens if I want different data tables for these two? It is possible via the program? Or just use a program, like "Split" of LoggerNet, in order to create data files with certain columns?

"WindVector" instruction has also the choice of subinterval.

aps Jul 17, 2013 08:05 AM

You can write to multiple different datatables from the same scan, each with its own output interval (usually controlled by the Datainterval instruction). You can write data from any variable into those tables, which could be from one or more sensors. You can also write readings from a sensor into more than one data table, which might for instance have different storage or output intervals.

When you collect the data with Loggernet it will write different files for each datatable so there is no need for Split, usually.

The subinterval for Windvector is an option to allow you to control the calculation of standard deviation of wind direction, most users leave this value at 0, i.e. use all samples.

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