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CFMC2G data encrypt

TaCaPica Jul 3, 2013 09:51 AM


I have a system that uses a CFM100 drive with a CR1000 datalogger, that is in a remote location. As I have some concern with the data that are being collected, I wonder if there is any way to encrypt the data being written to the data card (2Gb) to prevent access to the data if the card is stolen. I am writing data at 1Hz.

Thanks for your time

Jose Rodrigues

aps Jul 3, 2013 10:42 AM

There is no built in function to do this. (Although you will shortly be able to encrypt communications.)

It would not be difficult to write your own simple algorithm to "encrypt" the data to some degree. Techniques you could use might be: applying a fixed or changing offset/multiplier to the data values stored (perhaps incremented by channel or perhaps based on time of day) OR converting the data to integers and XOR'ing them with a constant or variable before storage. However you would need to encrypt the logger program to stop the technique used being seen in the event the logger was stolen too. (Encryption of programs is something you can already do). You would also need to write you own program to decrypt the data after collection.

TaCaPica Jul 3, 2013 11:15 AM

Thanks Aps

I will try this method. I dont encrypt my code but i have all the security levels active.


* Last updated by: TaCaPica on 7/3/2013 @ 5:16 AM *

Sam Jul 13, 2013 09:34 AM

I had to try implementing an encryption algorithm using CRBasic. It sounded like a fun thing to try. The following code could be made better. Anyway, it is based on using the information I found on Wikipedia about TEA encryption. It is simple enough that one should be able to implement a decryption program on a PC. The password is 32 bytes, entered as an array of 4 longs. The program encrypts the last file generated by TableFile. More code needs to be added to do the file management tasks.

Public PTemp, batt_volt
Public OutStat As Boolean
Public LastFileName As String * 32

Public Secret(4) As Long = {1,2,3,4}
Public EnC As Boolean
Public numBytes As Long

Sub teaEcrypt(dest(2) As Long, src(2) As Long, key(4) As Long)
Dim v0 As Long, v1 As Long
Dim k0 As Long, k1 As Long, k2 As Long, k3 As Long
Dim sum As Long, i As Long
Dim delta As Long = &h9e3779b9

sum = 0
v0 = src(1) : v1 = src(2)
k0 = key(1) : k1 = key(2) : k2 = key(3) : k3 = key(4)
For i = 0 To 31
sum += delta
v0 += ((v1 << 4) + k0) XOR (v1 + sum) XOR ((v1 >> 5) + k1)
v1 += ((v0 << 4) + k2) XOR (v0 + sum) XOR ((v0 >> 5) + k3)
Next i
dest(1) = v0 : dest(2) = v1

Sub teaDcrypt(dest(2) As Long, src(2) As Long, key(4) As Long)
Dim v0 As Long, v1 As Long
Dim k0 As Long, k1 As Long, k2 As Long, k3 As Long
Dim sum As Long, i As Long
Dim delta As Long = &h9e3779b9

sum = &hc6ef3720
v0 = src(1) : v1 = src(2)
k0 = key(1) : k1 = key(2) : k2 = key(3) : k3 = key(4)
For i = 0 To 31
v1 -= ((v0 << 4) + k2) XOR (v0 + sum) XOR ((v0 >> 5) + k3)
v0 -= ((v1 << 4) + k0) XOR (v1 + sum) XOR ((v1 >> 5) + k1)
sum -= delta
Next i
dest(1) = v0 : dest(2) = v1

Sub teaFileEncrypt(srcFile As String, dstFile As String, key(4) As Long, Optional bytes As Long = 0)
Dim srcHand As Long, dstHand As Long
Dim s(2) As Long, d(2) As Long
Dim nb As Long

srcHand = FileOpen (srcFile,"rb",0)
dstHand = FileOpen (dstFile,"wb",0)
bytes = 0

Move (s,2,0,1)
Move (d,2,0,1)
nb = FileRead (srcHand,s,8)
If nb > 0 Then
bytes = bytes + nb
FileWrite (dstHand,d,8)

FileClose (srcHand)
FileClose (dstHand)

Sub teaFileDecrypt(srcFile As String, dstFile As String, key(4) As Long, Optional bytes As Long = -1)

Dim srcHand As Long, dstHand As Long
Dim s(2) As Long, d(2) As Long
Dim nb As Long, cnt As Long

srcHand = FileOpen (srcFile,"rb",0)
dstHand = FileOpen (dstFile,"wb",0)
cnt = bytes

Move (s,2,0,1)
Move (d,2,0,1)
nb = FileRead (srcHand,s,8)
If nb > 0 Then
If cnt > 7 OR cnt < 0 Then
FileWrite (dstHand,d,8)
cnt = cnt - 8
FileWrite (dstHand,d,cnt)

FileClose (srcHand)
FileClose (dstHand)

DataTable (Test,1,1000)
DataInterval (0,15,Sec,10)
TableFile ("USR:Test_",8,3,0,1,Min,OutStat,LastFileName)
Minimum (1,batt_volt,FP2,0,False)
Sample (1,PTemp,FP2)


Scan (1,Sec,0,0)
PanelTemp (PTemp,250)
Battery (batt_volt)
CallTable Test
If OutStat Then EnC = TRUE

Delay (1,1,Sec)
If EnC Then
teaFileEncrypt(LastFileName, Replace(LastFileName,".dat",".dat.enc"), Secret, numBytes)


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