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CR200 GPRS communications with Wavecom Fastrack

PPeters Jul 13, 2009 05:02 AM

Having a loosing battle with the wavecom modem and hoping that somebody smarter than me can point me in the right direction.

I have a CR200 which I want to deploy with telemetry so have obtained a wavecom fastrack gprs modem. (I have no experience previously with this modem)
I am trying to setup the modem to power up and establish the gprs connection so that I can call from loggernet. Little assistance locally about the modem and web help is confusing and application focused.

reading the CSI CS-GPRS document it would appear that this may not be possible. Is this true? No GPRS compatibility!
I have setup CR850's with motorola G200 modems with no hassles and they run succesfully but with out the logger establishing the connection (aka CR800) I am not sure how to set up the Fastrack modem

Has anybody found a method to setup this combination?
If not what is recommended? standard dialup modems?


aps Jul 15, 2009 09:54 PM

It is not easily possible to use the Wavecom with the CR200 in GPRS mode in any way like the CR800, because as you say the CR200 does not have a TCP/IP stack etc. It is also very limited in its ability to send and receive string data so really cannot be setup to dial some modems which have their own stack and respond to AT style commands to open a GPRS connection. (You also need to monitor the connection and redial if it fails)

With a standard modem with the CR200 all you can really do is use it in GSM dial-up mode (sometimes called CSD, or 9600 Async Data mode) IF your network supports this. This is still available in Europe and other parts of the world but not the USA I am told.

If you search the Internet you will find some versions of modems, which use Wavecom and other modules, are sold with special firmware that after being configured will setup and automatically maintain a GPRS connection on power-up for comparatively simple devices like the CR200. (Search for the Maestro Smart Pack option). We do have some customers who have used these products with some older loggers.

As far as I know there is no add-on firmware option for the Wavecom Terminals although technically this is possible but I do not know an supplier who offers this.

PPeters Jul 15, 2009 10:08 PM

Excellent. Thanks for you response.

I am currently investigating how we can deploy the new generation loggers into our legacy network using our current hardware suppliers.

I have been very impressed with CSI equipment in the past and the 850's and 200's are no exception.

big tick on the forum :)

cabbageheart Jul 16, 2009 12:52 AM

We had used some type of GPRS modem here with CR200 in China. It is not used AT command.

ariffu Sep 15, 2011 05:56 AM

Dear cabbageheart

Could you email to me about configuration the CR200 and the modem GPRS.

Thank You

my email : ariffu@gmail.com

aps Sep 15, 2011 11:11 AM

The CR200 does not support GPRS communications directly. You can use it with a GPRS modem that has its own TCP/IP stack that effectively acts as a "terminal adaptor". However, you need one that does this automatically and keeps the connection alive without any intervention from the datalogger. Some users have told us they have had good experience with some of the Maestro Modems with their SmartPack option (no support from CS though) or there are versions of the Airlink modems available through our US office that can support this mode, although at a higher price and power consumption.

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