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Problem with setting: NL240 Wireless Network Link Interface

cyril Jun 26, 2013 01:19 PM

Hi All.
I try connect Datalogger CR1000 and NL240 Wireless Network Link Interface via RS-232 Serial Server.
I configured the NL240 with DevConfig via USB.
I enter a static IP address,Default Gateway and Subnet Mask on the NL240 tab. I set Bridge Mode and DHCP to "disable".
I use Join an Existing Network. Status on the Wi-Fi Tab is "Connected to ..." Connection is successful (Wi-Fi LED (Green) flash with network activity).
On the RS-232 tab I Set configuration to "TCP Serial Server" with 6784.
Baud rate is same as on port RS232 on datalogger CR1000 (115200).
PakBus/TCP Server Port:
- Address: static IP address
- Port is 6785.
I connect direct Datalogger cr1000(RS232) and NL240 (RS232 DTE) via cabl sc12.
In LoggerNet’s Setup Screen I choose "IPPort", input the datalogger’s IP address and port number 6785....

But I dont connect to the datalogger via the NL240 in Loggernet
I dont ping IP address and I dont connect to the datalogger by using DeviceConfig.
Thanks for answer
What am I doing wrong?

Sam Jul 1, 2013 04:18 AM

If you can not ping the IP address you have assigned the NL240, then my guess is that you have a networking issue. For example, maybe the NL240 is on a different network than your computer and steps have not been taken to make it accessible by your computer.

cyril Jul 19, 2013 07:50 AM

Thanks for reply.
Yes, the NL240 is on a different network than server with Logernet.
But in general I have always datalogger cr1000 on a different network than Loggernet.
How can I create connection in LoggerNet’s Setup Screen?

Thanks for answer

Sam Jul 22, 2013 04:45 AM

In general terms

a) the NL240 / CR1000 needs an IP address that is accessible by the LoggerNet computer


b) LoggerNet needs an IP address that is accessible by the NL240 / CR1000

Either the station or LoggerNet needs to be able to initiate a connection to the other.

Ponce Aug 29, 2013 10:31 PM

Hi Sam,

I would like to make use of option b). The first part is done: Loggernet is connected to the internet and communicates with some CR850, connected via modem and PPP to the internet, so this part is fine.

Now I have a new setup and a remote measurement location with Wifi and my problem is that I have no clue how to connect my CR850 via the NL240 to the internet. Any help?

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