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Record Numbers and Table Displays

MPPMC Jun 24, 2013 02:44 PM


I have multiple loggers all set with scheduled collection to update to a single file. The file updates ok but the RTMC project will not display the file in a table correctly. I've narrowed this down to a repeated record number in the data file (the data source is set as the file, not the cache). As each logger is updating the associated table at different times and rates, the record number in the data file jumps all over. When a record number is repeated the table doesn't display any information past that record.

Interestingly, I've noticed that runtime doesn't encounter this problem, it's only when the project is running in a browser (via CSI). I've edited the file manually to solve this for now (it only updates once or twice a day). I've had a play around with using a .csv and .txt as the file source but to no avail. I'm considering writing a batch file or macro to update the file. Any other suggestions before I start on this?

Dana Jun 25, 2013 06:47 PM

What version of RTMC Pro?

No suggestions, other than solve the source of the problem that is causing duplicate record numbers. Normally, you would not expect duplicate record numbers in data coming from the datalogger. Or, use LNDB as your data source rather than the data file (LNDB has to be purchased separately, but there is a trial version).

Dana W.

AMK Jun 25, 2013 06:49 PM

Only slightly related...

If you use a SPLIT function to create a LNDB compatible .dat file from an array based file, you'll get duplicate RecNums going into LNDB. It's a drag.

You'll never support array based import into LNDB, will you?

Dana Jun 25, 2013 06:54 PM

Actually, it's "on our list" to be looked at for a future version, but there are currently no projects opened for LNDB development.

Dana W.

MPPMC Jun 26, 2013 01:04 PM

Thanks for the reply Dana. I'm using RTMC Pro V4.0.0.71.

I didn't really consider the duplicate record numbers as an error? The duplicates aren't coming from one logger - each logger is running the same program independently of the others and updating their own table. The scheduled collection is then updating a single file - I'd expect duplicates (the table is usually reset on a daily basis so I see a lot of 0, 1 and 2 Record Numbers from each logger).

I'll maybe have a look at LNDB down the line.

Dana Jun 26, 2013 04:10 PM

Oh... I did not read carefully that you are combining data from *multiple dataloggers* into one file. I won't even ask why are you doing that! ;)

I don't think LNDB will help in this regard, but you can give it a try with the trial. Here are a couple of "rules" regarding LNDB and RTMC (as I understand them after asking a few questions, I haven't done testing of your scenario).

RTMC ignores record number when plotting data. It only cares about timestamp. If a timestamp comes in that is newer, it will plot a new value. Data from older timestamps will be ignored.

LNDB uses two fields as primary keys -- the record number and timestamp. If record number and timestamp are both duplicate, then the record will be discarded. If only record number or timestamp is duplicate, LNDB should import the record. How this would get plotted in RTMC would rely on the rule above.

The other thing to consider is that LNDB primarily gets its data from LoggerNet's data cache. If you have different stations set up that you are collecting from, each datalogger is going to have its own set of tables in the data cache (so what you'll ultimately see in LNDB is an SQL table for each table in each datalogger). You can import the data file itself, but that is a manual operation and probably not what you are looking for.

Unfortunately, what you are trying to accomplish is outside of the "rules" of the software, so any weirdness you encounter is not unexpected.

If you explain what you are trying to accomplish, I or someone else might be able to provide tips that could help.

Dana W.

Otemohu Jul 9, 2013 03:11 PM


You said "RTMC ignores record number when plotting data. It only cares about timestamp. If a timestamp comes in that is newer, it will plot a new value. Data from older timestamps will be ignored." But in my RTMCPro project, a variable was reinitialized since I changed something in the structure of an other table logged. The record number was reinitialized and the graphic display only data from the initialization (record number = 0).

I have local data (on a local PC server) that are uploaded every night from the laptop on which Loggernet Admin is running. Can I read the .dat file in RTMCPro as well as data from remote loggernet? If yes, what I have to write in "Select Data" when I create a Chart?
I tested the following : I created a knew Data Sources with the IP of my local PC. But I can view only the dataloggers, and so the attached data, that are declared in the "Setup Screen". How can I view the files?


Dana Jul 9, 2013 06:53 PM

Hello Otemohu,

You said "RTMC ignores record number when plotting data. It only cares about timestamp. If a timestamp comes in that is newer, it will plot a new value. Data from older timestamps will be ignored." But in my RTMCPro project, a variable was reinitialized since I changed something in the structure of an other table logged. The record number was reinitialized and the graphic display only data from the initialization (record number = 0).

You don't mention what your data source is, but if you send a new program that changes the table structure, the data cache will be reset (so if you are pulling from the LoggerNet server, you'll only have records since the program was sent) and *.dat files will likely be backed up and a new file started.

I have local data (on a local PC server) that are uploaded every night from the laptop on which Loggernet Admin is running. Can I read the .dat file in RTMCPro as well as data from remote loggernet? If yes, what I have to write in "Select Data" when I create a Chart?
I tested the following : I created a knew Data Sources with the IP of my local PC. But I can view only the dataloggers, and so the attached data, that are declared in the "Setup Screen". How can I view the files?

In RTMC Pro, set up data sources for each data file you want to pull data from. (Project | Manage Data Sources). This is only possible in RTMC Pro -- regular RTMC can use the data cache only.

Dana W.

Otemohu Jul 11, 2013 07:55 AM

Hello Dana,

Ok I sent a new program but it did not affect the structure of the table I mentioned (table_1), only the structure of two other tables (table_2 and table_3). So in the table_1, the only thing that changed was the record number (reinitialized to 0). And then, when I put one of its variable in a RTMCPro chart, it begins at the 0 record point, not from the beginning.

Regarding the other aspect (display local .dat file on chart), it works following your recommendation. I didn't see that. Tank you.

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