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Problem of program transfer

bmenot Jun 17, 2013 07:38 AM

I have a problem with a program to transfer data between two CR1000.
When I change the name of my program or I copy, PC400 said "Unable to send the program. A communication failure has occured with the datalogger".
do you know why?
My program is:

Public Batt_volt
Public Temp
Public Fissuro_Master(1), Fissuro_Slave(1)

DataTable (Table_Slave,1,-1)
Sample (1,Temp,FP2)
Sample (1,Fissuro_Slave(),IEEE4)

DataTable (Table_Master,1,-1)
DataInterval (0,1,Min,0)

Scan (1,Min,3,0)
AcceptDataRecords (2,32769,Table_Slave)
CallTable Table_Master

jtrauntvein Jun 18, 2013 07:25 PM

Assuming that PC400 is communicating with the datalogger on the datalogger's RS-232 port, I believe that the problem lies with the SerialOpen() command in the datalogger program. The parameters to this instruction will lock the baud rate at 9600 and prevent the auto-baud mechanism from working on that port (PC400 will use a default baud rate of 115200 baud). The buffer size parameter that you are specifying will also have an adverse impact on PakBus communications.

The SerialOpen() command is not necessary for a port if that port is simply going to be used for PakBus communications. If you are going to be communicating with another CR1000, locking the baud rate is not necessary either because the loggers can auto-adjust their baud rates.

bmenot Jun 20, 2013 08:56 AM

Indeed I removed SerialOpen () so the baud rate will be determined by PC400 and the program also works but I think it comes from the CR1000 because when I do the same thing over another, I do not this problem.
I'm french so sorry if my english is bad.

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