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CR 510 data download

brucker Jun 13, 2013 02:36 PM

How do you request a download of a specific number of records or from a specific date and time? I have 2 years of data on this logger and collecting all is very time consuming. When I collect from the last collection it misses numerous records and I do not get a complete data set.

jtrauntvein Jun 13, 2013 09:35 PM

With the mixed array (default) operating system in the CR510, your options are very limited. The best that you can do is to select "Most Recently Logged Arrays" from the set up screen tab for the final storage area in question.

If you do this, LoggerNet will use the "B" command to back up the final storage memory pointer by the specified number of arrays from its initial location at the end of the final storage area. In order to do this, the datalogger performs a linear search backward until it has passed the requisite number of array identifiers or until it reaches the beginning of the final storage area. If there is a lot of data stored, this search can take longer than the forty seconds that the datalogger allows for an "inactive" communication session and the response will never make it back.

The ability for the datalogger to search through stored data by time range did not appear in the CR510 dataloggers until the CR510-PB (PakBus) operating system was introduced.

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