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GPS documentation errors?

sjp Jun 13, 2013 02:58 AM

adding a GPS16x-hvs to a CR1000, using the L17217 RG45 to pigtails. Cutting and pasting the code from the documentation, using both the GPS and SerialInRecord examples, yields no success.

The GPS is new from Campbell Sci, and according to the manual is factory set for 38,400baud, N-8-1

wired (using the L17217 adapter)
12V Blue
G Orange
G Black
G Yellow
Rx Green

and yes, I'm testing the device outside ;)

anyone had similar issues, or perhaps success?


sjp Jun 13, 2013 10:10 PM

issue resolved.

GPS was sent from Campbell Sci with Garmin factory defaults, not the modified CampbellSci defaults that the manual states.

Setting the baudrate to 4800 told me where I am in the world. ;)


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