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COM110 config

cyril Jun 7, 2013 12:34 PM

I collect data from dataogger CR1000 (with NL115) using Loggarnet.
Now I wont to use a GPRS connection (CR1000, COM110 modem and sc105).

How can I configure PPP using Device Config or how can I test connection?

The Name of APN server is "internetplus". Name and password are "empty".

Device Config Csc105
CS I/O Mode: SDC Address 7
RS-232 Mode: Modem
Baud Rate: 115.2K
8 data bits
1 stop bit
no parity

Device Config CR1000
Port csi/o sdc7
IP: I have fixed public IP address.
User name: EMPTY
Passworf: EMPTY
Modem Dial String: AT+CGDCONT=1,”IP”,”internetplus”;ATD*99***1#

I am trying to connect to my datalogger CR1000 using Loggernet but unsuccessful.
I use my private public IP address.
I dont know ping my static IP!!!

Logernenet is on private server. Do I need create VPN connection?
Or can firewall block connection? Which port use Loggernet?

Thanks for advice

aps Jun 7, 2013 12:50 PM

First you need to find out if the IP address for your SIM fixed and whether it is a private or public address. If it is fixed and private then you need to talk to your provider about VPN access into their network. If public then Loggernet should work if you set the right port and your network firewall allows outgoing connections to that port.

In terms of the setup please check out the latest manual for the COM110 on www.campbellsci.co.uk and also our new Mobile Data Assistant package, found here:


This makes the setup of modem and logger easier.

Ponce Aug 29, 2013 10:01 PM

Hi Cyril,

you can connect to the DL via Loggernet using the

TCPOpen(Loggernet Server,Loggernet Port,0)

command. You will have to set up your Loggernet Server so it can accept incoming communication (set the Loggernet Port and the right Pak Bus address) and you will need a public IP for the computer where the Loggernet Server is located or an Dynamic DNS service.

I have another question: I am trying to connect my CR800 to the internet via an NL240. How do I have to do? I hope you have a suggestion as you managed it with an NL115.

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