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using the AvgSpa command with possible NaN values

fpborges Jun 4, 2013 05:43 PM

Dear colleagues,

I'm using the script below to retrieve some information from a data table. I've read on the help window that the NaN values in the record won't be included in the spatial average. However, we define a constant swath which the data sum is divided. My question is when a NaN value is retrieved and not considered in the spatial average, do the "swath" change also?

For count2 = 1 To 720
tot_Rsh (count2) = radiacao.Rsh_Avg(1,count2)
tot_Rin (count2) = radiacao.Rin_Avg(1,count2)
Next count2



Francisco Borges.

Dana Jun 6, 2013 07:39 PM

Hello Francisco,

The value used for Swath in the calculation will be adjusted down, based on the number of NANs.

Dana W.

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