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[CR200X] Messed data using PBcdl tool

lbrutti May 22, 2013 11:06 PM

i'm trying to understand why the data i collect from a CR200 with the PBCDL tool (https://engineering.arm.gov/~choudhury/PbCdlComm/) is awfully messed up.
Here's some details:

I'm fetching data from two tables (min10: updated every 10 minutes and h24, updated once a day).

Every log file has 7 entries but the only different timestamps are the ones of the first two entries and they only differ of one second.
Record number is fine in every entry.

The second issue is that, from one row to another, data are shifted right of one position (except from timestamp and record number).

here's a snippet from table H24:

"TOA5","N/A","station_name=","No_SN","CR200X.Std.02","XXXXXXXbis.CR2","44749","h24","PbCdlComm-1.3.9 (2010/08/31)"
"TS","RN","Volts""Deg C""Deg C""Deg C""Deg C""Deg C""meters/sec""meters/sec""meters/sec""meters/sec""meters/sec""meters/sec""mm""Deg C""Deg C"
"2013-02-02 00:00:00.121667260",8,-3.28108,0.084,8.42157e-13,3231329550,8.4092e-13,1077376470,15.68,8.40023e-13,1077376470,0,0,8.1,24.8678,-6.67091,8.49251e-13
"2013-02-02 00:00:01.10556149",9,12.2558,-7.52428,-2.771,728619260,-12.229,728684060,5.2295,23.1476,728678600,5.2295,0,0,18,22.0116,-13.876
"2013-02-02 00:00:01.10556149",10,8.53935e-13,12.255,-13.1414,3241284731,8.49295e-13,3245487423,8.50636e-13,5.39794,1102043624,8.49376e-13,5.39794,0,0,0,19.8778
"2013-02-02 00:00:01.10556149",11,-20.862,8.58619e-13,12.2659,3235388126,-4.291,728831970,-11.578,8.53949e-13,1083144526,19.2668,8.55208e-13,4.48356,0,0,0
"2013-02-02 00:00:01.10556149",12,22.8849,-12.3066,8.63302e-13,1094999182,-5.8789,3227852472,8.59804e-13,-9.404,728953400,3.29207,14.1414,8.61575e-13,3.29207,0,0
"2013-02-02 00:00:01.10556149",13,0,23.8378,-10.2959,729043200,12.2348,3241670257,-8.388,8.65883e-13,3243460526,8.64555e-13,2.28666,8.2516,8.64221e-13,2.28666,0

note how all the commas in the header are missing too...

anyone got the same troubles?


the CR200 is connected to a Fedora Server (far from my house).

* Last updated by: lbrutti on 5/23/2013 @ 2:04 AM *

Sam May 23, 2013 01:54 AM

Have you tried contacting the author of the software?

Everything you have pointed out is dependent on the software's capability to interpret the data from the logger, not things that the logger is outputting directly.

lbrutti May 23, 2013 08:03 AM

yes, i wrote him but i'm not very into C++ (which has been used to write te program).
I was wondering if any other user ever had my same issue...

Anyway, i'm trying to bypass this problem connecting with minicom and fetching periodically the latest entry from each table.

May there be some problems with the datalogger activity doing this?

Thank you

jtrauntvein May 23, 2013 09:27 PM

I have very little familiarity with the program that you mentioned above although I have seen it mentioned from time to time. Looking at the sample of data that you posted, it would appear from the time stamps that there are alignment issues. One potential cause of this would be for the program to ignore the time stamp data type that is returned in the datalogger table definitions. Looking at the source, the only place that I see this being used is in the function that writes table meta-data to XML.

The CR200(X) does not generate or use sub-second time stamp data. When it generates its table definitions, the time stamp data type identifies a four byte signed integer that specifies seconds elapsed since 1 January 1990. It would appear that the PBCDL tool has only been tested against CR1000/CR3000/CR800 family dataloggers.

lbrutti May 23, 2013 09:33 PM

Dear jtrauntvein,
i get the point:
"It would appear that the PBCDL tool has only been tested against CR1000/CR3000/CR800 family dataloggers."
PBcdl developers told me they used the sw ONLY with CR1000 and CR3000.

Can you tell me what should i modify in the PBcdl code or, id it's a too big job that will cause a complete revision of the code?


I'm connecting to CR200x in terminal mode with a perl script. everything's fine but, everytime i run the script and send '6' command, the logger gives me a record back since the last time i sent the command (even after closing the script). how can i send a reset command?


* Last updated by: lbrutti on 5/28/2013 @ 10:04 AM *

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