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embayweather May 12, 2013 03:08 PM

I am working with this program to communicate with a CR10X. However, when pressing teh Porgram button to access Edlog, nothing happens. is there a trick to making this work, or is it missing from this version, 3.01?



XxVashxX May 13, 2013 02:31 PM

I have PC208W 3.01 and works well, why you dont try to reinstall the software?

Also you could download the trial version of Loggernet from CSI web (this version will work for 30 days and you could use to create or edit programs during this time)


Dana May 13, 2013 06:59 PM

I recall an issue with Edlogw spanning multiple disks, and sometimes the installation of the exe would be corrupt. What I can't remember is the fix :) (that's been too many years ago). I've search our database and my old emails, but can't find anything.

If reinstalling doesn't repair the file, contact your support office in the UK and they can provide you with an new Edlogw executable for PC208W version 3.01 (that may have been the "fix").

Dana W.

Dana May 13, 2013 10:40 PM

Thinking about this further, I believe the quickest solution was to delete the Edlogw.exe file and then reinstall the software. If you just run the install again, the executable will not be overwritten because it already exists.

A complete uninstall/reinstall should work, too.


embayweather May 14, 2013 10:19 AM

I have tried re install many times and no change. The local office could not help me with a copy of EdlogW. I also tried the patch as well to upgrade to 3.3. That did not work either. Is it because I am running on XP? I got a copy of the Edlog exe file from someone else and that also refuses to run. Tried multiple computers, including an Apple Mac and Parallels. I am getting around to believe that my install sisks are well and truly corrupted, at least as far as Edlog is concerned.. Is there a download site where it can be obtained, or is SHort Cut just as good. I need to replace the battery in my CR10X and thus the programming etc will be lost. In case the backup does not work I would like to be able to re program it just in case, (belt and braces job really).



Dana May 14, 2013 02:59 PM

What is the file size of the Edlogw.exe executable? Can you double-click the file name itself and run Edlog?

The other thing to check is to make sure that you have user rights to write to the Windows directory. There were certain versions of Edlog, SMS, and View that stored their ini files in the Windows directory. If you don't have rights, that might stop the application from running.

Dana W.

embayweather May 14, 2013 03:22 PM

The program cannot be started by double clicking. I have tried that many times from the menu and also inside the BIN file. The size is 1.00 MB, and appears to date from 1998. I am the administrator and I have logged in as such on all the machines I have tried it on. I have also tried right clicking and then selecting run and that does not help either. I suspect that it is beyond repair.

Best wishes


jra May 14, 2013 03:49 PM


While you are getting the Edlog issue figured out you can "retrieve" the program off your CR10X. That way should you need to reprogram it, after replacing the battery, you have the file and don't need to write it in Edlog. I would recommend that anyhow.

In PC208W connect to your datalogger then in the Datalogger Program area of the connect screen select the Retrieve button. Make note of the name and folder it gets saved in.


embayweather May 14, 2013 03:51 PM

Will do. Thanks for the heads up. Is Short Cut in PC200 a viable alternative? I am just connecting standard CS weather kit? Ultimately using the output to drive WeatherDisplay and show the results that way. If so it would save a lot of heartache.


Best wishes


Dana May 14, 2013 04:03 PM

The size of the file should be 958 KB, which is essentially the same size you are reporting (I assume you are "rounding up"). If you will contact me off-list I will send a new executable, but I'm not certain that will help as it doesn't seem the file is corrupted (usually, if it is corrupted it is a fraction of the size). Also, the fact that you've gotten an executable from someone else and that doesn't work.

You never did say if you get an error message. Do other programs in PC208W launch successfully?

You can send an email to our support address and ask them to pass it along to me.


embayweather May 21, 2013 03:20 PM

I did send a reply a couple of days ago to the Support address but heard nothing. Did the mail get through to you?

Best wishes


Dana May 21, 2013 09:10 PM

I never got the email, but it may have been forwarded back to our office in the UK.

Your best bet may be to go with PC200W and SCWin, since if your disks are corrupt, it's something we no longer sell (and thus, can't replace).


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